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A microservice application created while writing a thesis entitled: "Functionality problems of monolithic architecture and microservices in web applications". Version in monolith architecture:

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


Table of Contents

General info

A microservice application created while writing a thesis entitled: "Functionality problems of monolithic architecture and microservices in web applications". Version in monolith architecture:


To start the application, in the folder, enter the following commands in command line:

  • docker-compose up -d
  • docker-compose down

Use the login details provided above to generate the token or create new account by sending the appropriate request:

# POST /api/v1/registration
# Content-Type: application/json
    "username" : "user123",
    "password" : "Password1@",
    "matchingPassword" : "Password1@",
    "email" : ""

The password must meet the following requirements:

  • Must be between 6 and 30 characters long
  • Passwords must match
  • Mustn't contain the username
  • Mustn't contain spaces
  • Mustn't contain a repetitive string of characters longer than 3 characters
  • Mustn't be on the list of popular passwords
  • Must contain 1 or more uppercase characters
  • Must contain 1 or more lowercase characters
  • Must contain 1 or more special characters

Then generate JWT. The token can be generated using a username or email address. Password is required.

# POST /api/v1/authentication
# Content-Type: application/json
  "username": "user123",
  "password" : "Password1@"

Then use the token as a Bearer Token using e.g. Postman. Requests can be sent to the API Gateway address: http://YOUR_DOCKER_IP_OR_LOCALHOST:8989.

Built With

  • Java 11
  • Spring (Boot, MVC, Security, Data MongoDB, Webflux, Data MongoDB Reactive, Data Neo4j, Devtools, Actuator, Retry, Cloud (Eureka Client, Eureka Server, Config Server, Gateway, Resilience4j, Stream Binder Rabbit, Sleuth, Zipkin, Bootstrap)) - 2.4.5
  • Swagger (Core, Bean Validators, UI) - 2.92
  • Lombok - 1.18.16
  • jUnit5 - 5.7.2
  • Mockito - 3.8.0
  • Model Mapper - 2.4.0
  • JSON Web Token Support For The JVM (jjwt) - 0.9.1
  • Passay - 1.6.0
  • Gradle
  • Maven
  • Docker
  • RabbitMQ
  • Sleuth
  • Zipkin
  • Logback
  • MongoDB
  • Neo4j
  • Vault
  • Elasticsearch
  • Kibana
  • Logstash (logstash-logback-encoder) - 6.6


  • Service discovery
  • API Gateway
  • Configuration server
  • Centralized logging with ELK stack (Elasticsearch - Kibana - Logstash)
  • Distributed tracing with Sleuth and Zipkin
  • Sending messages using RabbitMQ
  • Circuit breaker
  • Data hidden in Vault
  • Automatically add secrets to the Vault
  • User registration
  • JWT authorization
  • Users API
  • Posts API
  • Comments API
  • Followers API
  • Documentation created using Swagger 2
  • Custom password validation
  • User recommendations using Neo4j

To Do

  • Adding fake data at specified intervals

Endpoints List:


Method URI Action
POST /api/v1/registration Create an account
POST /api/v1/authentication Generate a JWT


Method URI Action
GET /api/v1/users/photos?usernames=${username1,username2} Get users photos by usernames
PUT /api/v1/users/me Update user information
DELETE /api/v1/users/me Delete user


Method URI Action
GET /api/v1/posts/{id} Get information about a post
GET /api/v1/posts/me Get user's posts
GET `/api/v1/posts?usernames=${username1,username2}&page=${page}&size=${sizeOfPage}&sort=${sortingConditions},${asc desc}`
POST /api/v1/posts Create a post
PUT /api/v1/posts/{id} Update post information
DELETE /api/v1/posts/{id} Delete post with related comments


Method URI Action
GET /api/v1/posts/{postId}/comments Get the post's comments
POST /api/v1/posts/{postId}/comments Add a comment to the post
PUT /api/v1/posts/{postId}/comments/{commentId} Update the comment content
DELETE /api/v1/posts/{postId}/comments/{commentId} Delete comment


Method URI Action
GET /api/v1/followers/{username} Get user's followers by username
GET /api/v1/following/recommendations/{username} Get user's following recommendations by username
GET /api/v1/following/{username} Get user's following by username
POST /api/v1/following/{username} Follow the User
Delete /api/v1/following/{username} Unollow the User


Project is: in progress