An application for manga fans to help manage their list of read titles.
The application demo is available on the Heroku platform: It may take a while for the application to start. If the page loads without a manga list, please refresh the page after a while.
To log in as a user please provide:
- Username: user
- Password: user
To log in as a admin please provide:
- Username: admin
- Password: admin
To start the application, in the folder, enter the following commands in command line:
mvnw clean package -DskipTests
docker-compose up -d
is your docker machine IP address (or localhost). In case of problems, also edit the docker-compose file and change the url to the database (default is192.168.99.100
). To shut down the containers enter:docker-compose down
For a development use commands:
docker-compose -f up -d
Then run the application in your favorite editor by setting thedev
profile and go to:http://localhost:8080
.docker-compose -f down
For a testing use commands:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up -d
mvnw test
docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml down
- Java 11
- Spring (Boot, MVC, Security, Data JPA) - 2.2.3
- Thymeleaf
- Lombok - 1.18.10
- jUnit5 - 5.5.2
- Mockito - 3.1.0
- Selenium, Selenium Grid - 3.141.59
- Model Mapper - 2.3.0
- Maven
- PostgreSQL
- H2
- CircleCI
- Docker
- Continuous integration and deployment with CircleCI
- Deployment on Heroku
- Loading data at application startup
- Database selection depending on the profile
Available for all users:
- Select language (available options are: English and Polish)
- Recommendations
- View all added manga with genres
Available for unlogged users:
- Login
- Register
Available to users with "User" or "Admin" role:
- Rate manga
- Add manga to favorites
- Add manga to list based on status
- Browse manga by status
Available to users with only "Admin" role:
- Add new author
- Add, edit and delete manga
Project is: finished
Main Page
Login Page
Registration Page