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Sharky edited this page Dec 6, 2017 · 15 revisions

Nyancoin client native build instructions

GUI Client for desktops:

-to be written-

Daemon for servers:

  1. Install necessary packages:
sudo aptitude install libssl1.0-dev libdb-dev libdb++-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev libminiupnpc-dev make build-essential git zlib1g-dev

update: it is strongly suggested to use BDB/libdb-4.8 to keep everything compatible! Some distros still provide packages but you're most likely going to have to build it yourself.

  1. Clone repository
git clone
cd nyancoin-client
  1. Build
cd src
make -f makefile.unix STATIC=1
# if you have more than one core (and enough RAM) you can speed up the compilation by using -j<numberOfCores>
# for example: make -f makefile.unix STATIC=1 -j4

The client is written in C++ which takes more time and memory to compile than pure C code; RAM usage during compilation fluctuates wildly but I've observed it taking as much as 550MB-1100MB RAM per core.
If you have very little RAM (=< 1024 MB, like most common VPS), create a swap file first:

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swap.bin bs=1M count=1024
sudo chmod 0600 /swap.bin
sudo mkswap /swap.bin
sudo swapon /swap.bin

Performance will suffer while the system is swapping, it's much better to have more RAM than a bigger swap file.
It may also help to stop any non-vital services to conserve memory.

If compilation was a success, you should see nyancoind in your current directory.

file ./nyancoind
./nyancoind: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=e98372d668c6dd99621c48dd81cc2869bdd2b3dc, not stripped

# Let's take a look at how large the file is:
du -h ./nyancoind
46M     ./nyancoind

# 46 MB is quite a lot, let's strip out all debugging symbols:
strip -s ./nyancoind

du -h ./nyancoind
5.6M    ./nyancoind
# Much better :)
  1. You're done!

At this point you could copy the nyancoind executable to /usr/local/bin to install it system-wide or just leave it where it is and call it using the full path.

  1. Running the daemon

To run nyancoind as a daemon, you would call it like this:

./nyancoind -daemon

If this is your first time running, it will fail and tell you to create a nyancoin.conf file:

Error: To use the "-daemon" option, you must set a rpcpassword in the configuration file: /home/nyancoin/.nyancoin/nyancoin.conf
It is recommended you use the following random password:
(you do not need to remember this password)
If the file does not exist, create it with owner-readable-only file permissions.

Follow the instructions:

# The path may be different for you!
cat <<EOF > /home/nyancoin/.nyancoin/nyancoin.conf

# (just press enter after EOF)

# Tighten security
chmod 0600 /home/nyancoin/.nyancoin/nyancoin.conf

Warning: Do not use the password used in this example!

nyancoind will generate a randomized password for you or you can use this BASH snippet to generate one yourself:

cat /dev/urandom|tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9-_\$\?"|fold -w 64|head


Having the nyancoin client download the blockchain may take a long time, you can reduce the time needed by following my other guide to download the blockchain manually.