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Important Update

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@NyboTV NyboTV released this 29 Jun 02:48
· 107 commits to master since this release

Full Changelog: pre-release_2.5.3...pre-release_2.5.4

Hey Guys! I added an "OfflineMode" so that the Error with the IP will not appear anymore!
To Enable it: You have to Edit the "" file inside the Plugins Folder.
How to find the file:
Press Win+R and copy this in: %appdata%/TouchPortal/Plugins/ETS2_Dashboard

there is somewhere an "" file. Open it with any Editor and go to line 6. ("plugin_start_cmd" should it be called)
Now go to the last 2 " and add this between the 2 " ::: " --Offline" So it should look like this:

"plugin_start_cmd":""%TP_PLUGIN_FOLDER%ETS2_Dashboard\ETS2_Dashboard.exe" --Offline",

after an TP restart, the Plugin should use the local File. If you wish to update the file, you can just do 1 start without this or you can download it from github. After some time i will add an interval refresh. So its getting refreshed every Hour. So it will not Spam and you will get the new list.

i hope you can understand this xD Because im pretty tired and i dont want to check all of this in an Translator :3