Releases: NyboTV/TP_ETS2_Plugin
Release 3.0.2
AutoUpdater Release 3.0.0
- Auto Updater (Not Full Auto yet)
- First Setup Assist
- Fixes
If you get a "Javascript Error" while closing TouchPortal. Just ignore it. I dont know what its causing but after i found it, it will be gone
Release 2.8.7
Release 2.8.0
Hey Guys! Found some time to work on it again!
I renewed the whole Gauge System. It should be now MUCH more efficent and much more accurate.
Hope everything will work for you!
Full Changelog: 2.6.1...2.8.0
New Telemetry Server. READ DESCRIPTION!!!!
New Telemetry Server!!
If you have an old version of my Plugin installed, FIRST uninstall it!!!!
How to uninstall: (ALL STEPS ARE IMPORTANT!!!!)
- Open Touch Portal and start my Plugin
- Wait for the white "ETS2/ATS Telemetry Server" Window.
- Click on "Server" and then on "Uninstall".
- Close Touch Portal (FULLY)
- Go to this Path: "%appdata%/Touch Portal/plugins"
- Delete my Plugin Folder "ETS2 Dashboard"
Your Page is still there.
After all of that just do the normal installation way of the new Plugin! Read Wiki for an Tutorial.
Full Changelog:
Test Update for FuelConsumption and FuelCapacity
Full Changelog: 2.5.5...
Release 2.5.5
Hey Guys! Here is the Update with the Odometer and Fuel Consumption!
I dont understand the Consumption yet, so its just a big number, but after some tests, i will correct this so its showing the number you need! Until then, here is the whole number.
Important Update
Full Changelog: pre-release_2.5.3...pre-release_2.5.4
Hey Guys! I added an "OfflineMode" so that the Error with the IP will not appear anymore!
To Enable it: You have to Edit the "" file inside the Plugins Folder.
How to find the file:
Press Win+R and copy this in: %appdata%/TouchPortal/Plugins/ETS2_Dashboard
there is somewhere an "" file. Open it with any Editor and go to line 6. ("plugin_start_cmd" should it be called)
Now go to the last 2 " and add this between the 2 " ::: " --Offline" So it should look like this:
"plugin_start_cmd":""%TP_PLUGIN_FOLDER%ETS2_Dashboard\ETS2_Dashboard.exe" --Offline",
after an TP restart, the Plugin should use the local File. If you wish to update the file, you can just do 1 start without this or you can download it from github. After some time i will add an interval refresh. So its getting refreshed every Hour. So it will not Spam and you will get the new list.
i hope you can understand this xD Because im pretty tired and i dont want to check all of this in an Translator :3
Pre-Release Update 2.5.3
Full Changelog: 2.5.2...pre-release_2.5.3
Hi guys! This will only be a pre-release until I get some feedback!
Why? I think I screwed up. But I can't find the things I messed up. So you'll have to help me a bit xD
If you guys find anything "not normal" just tell me.
If I don't get any feedback by 2 weeks, I'll do it as a normal release.
- Retarder