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Mrakomer logger

KAKL edited this page Aug 28, 2016 · 15 revisions


sudo adduser odroid i2c end reboot





[ ! -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key ] && dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server`

su odroid -c "python /home/odroid/git/balon/scripts/" >/dev/null 2>/home/odroid/mrakomer/station/error.log &

su odroid /home/odroid/git/station-supervisor/ &

exit 0

Upload Configuration

mkdir ~/mrakomer/station/data


    "logging": [
		    "file_name": "/home/odroid/bolidozor/radio-observer.log",
		    "log_level": "debug",

    "project": "meteo",
    "project_home_folder": "/home/odroid/mrakomer/station/",
    "storage_hostname": "",
    "storage_username": "LS",
    "storage_stationpath": "/storage/meteo/",
    "storage_protocol": "ssh",

    "frontend": "tcp_raw",
    "tcp_host": "localhost",
    "tcp_port": 3701,
    "raw_sample_rate": 96000,

    "configuration": "default",         // name of configuration which will be selected from following list

    "configurations": [
		    "key":     "default",       //  configuration identifier
		    "factory": "pipeline",
		    "children": [
				    "key":     "backend",
				    "factory": "waterfall", // waterfall data will be processed
				    "bins":    65536,       // number of bins used in FFT calculation
				    "overlap": 49152,       // number of ovelaping samples from previous FFT window

				    // Chunk size of the FFT buffer - this changes the size of the
				    // largest continuous block of memory allocated by the backend.
				    // Try a smaller value if the program crashes with memory allocation
				    // exception.
				    // 1048576 = 1024 * 1024
				    "buffer_chunk_size": 1048576, 
				    "origin": "LS-M0",      // name of detection station
				    "iq_gain":        0,    // I/Q correction paremeters currently have not effect
				    "iq_phase_shift": 0,
				    "transmitter_carrier": 143050000,
				    //"transmitter_carrier": 144447000, // Klet beacon

				    "metadata_path":  "/home/odroid/mrakomer/station/data/", // path to metadata output directory

				    "children": [
						    "key":     "recorder",      // identification of method which will procces FFT output
						    "factory": "snapshot",      // method which creates continuous snapshots in eqidistant intervals

						    "output_dir": "/home/odroid/bolidozor/station/snapshots/",          // absolute path  to data output directory
						    "output_type": "snap",       // data output idetifier (this string will be used in file name)
						    "snapshot_length": 60,       // length of snapshot in seconds
						    "low_freq":      26200,      // low (left) snapshot frequency
						    "hi_freq":       26800,      // high (rigth image border) snaphot frequency
						    "key":     "recorder",       // identification of meteor detector recording
						    "factory": "bolid",
						    "output_dir": "/home/odroid/bolidozor/station/meteors/",          // absolute path  to data output directory
						    "output_type": "met",       // data output idetifier (this string will be used in file name)
						    "advance_time":     5,      // time interval of data recorded before detection is triggered
						    "jitter_time":      2,      // maximal time interval between two separate detection classified as same detection.

						    "low_freq": 26200,
						    "hi_freq": 26800,

						    "low_detect_freq": 26450,   // low  frequency meteor detection border
						    "hi_detect_freq":  26550,   // high frequency meteor detection border (in spectrogram)
						    "low_noise_freq":  26000,   // low border for spectral frequency intensity reference
						    "hi_noise_freq":   26300,   // high border for spectral frequency intensity reference
						    // time interval between noise entries in the metadata
						    // file (seconds), default is 1 hour (3600 seconds)
						    "noise_metadata_time": 120,


Timezone set to Iceland

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