(c) DerWebWolf 2017 v1.0
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
* <robonect@derwebwolf.net> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
* can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
* this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Robonect is the connection between your Gardena / Husqvarna Lawnmower and the world. Beside WLAN connectivity the hardware modul has more to offer:
- Remote controll your mower via a webinterface
- Config your mower
- Open API for your own projects
- Integration into several home automation systems (i.e.: FHEM, Gira-Homeserver, HomeMatic...)
- Extended functions of your mower (5 timer instead of 2, configurable corridor width)
Credits for Robonect and the used API fully go to robonect.de
chmod o+x check_robonect.sh
define command{
command_name check_robonect_battery
command_line /etc/nagios3/conf.d/plugins/check_robonect.sh -H '$HOSTADDRESS$' -t battery -u 'admin' -p 'secret' -w '$ARG1$' -c '$ARG2$'
define command{
command_name check_robonect_status
command_line /etc/nagios3/conf.d/plugins/check_robonect.sh -H '$HOSTADDRESS$' -t status -u 'admin' -p 'secret'
define command{
command_name check_robonect_wlan
command_line /etc/nagios3/conf.d/plugins/check_robonect.sh -H '$HOSTADDRESS$' -t wlan -u 'admin' -p 'secret' -w '$ARG1$' -c '$ARG2$'
And the final check command for the mower host:
define host{
use generic-host
host_name Automower
define service{
use generic-service
host_name Automower
service_description battery
check_command check_robonect_battery!40!35
define service{
use generic-service
host_name Automower
service_description status
check_command check_robonect_status
define service{
use generic-service
host_name Automower
service_description wlan
check_command check_robonect_wlan!-80!-90