FlowVisibility : Java based Visibility (Monitoring) Tools in Flow/Packet Level
This tool is developed for configuring and monitoring OpenFlow based network by utilizing tapping mechanism through OpenFlow Controller (OpenDayLight).
This is the first version of the tools and it still beta version. Next Release (Works) will be Distributed FlowVisibility Tool include setup visualization.
In order to run this tool, the required network setup is:
Then also some required components such as:
- Switch (Hardware or Software) supporting Traffic SPAN/Mirroring
- OpenDayLight (OpenFlow) Controller - www.opendaylight.org
- Laptop/PC with two interfaces (configuration and capture)
- Eclipse for building and debugging the codes - www.eclipse.org
The current features include:
- Flow Tapping Configuration based on OpenDayLight REST API - https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/OpenDaylight_Controller:REST_Reference_and_Authentication
- Flow Summary (Basic Processing) based on JNetPcap Library - http://jnetpcap.com/
- Flow Visualization based on NetGrok project - http://www.cs.umd.edu/projects/netgrok/
- Flow Inspection based on JEthereal project - http://yuba.stanford.edu/JEthereal/
- Java Version - Oracle Java
- Pcap Library (Linux/Windows) - LibPcap or WinPcap
- JNetPcap Library - JNetPcap Library - http://jnetpcap.com/
Downloading the source code manually from: https://ariscahyadi@bitbucket.org/ariscahyadi/flowvisibility.git
Import the source code into Eclipse Project See this link for details Importing Existing Project
Import directly from Git directory. See this link for details EGit/User Guide
Build and Run the Code. Click Project and Run from the Eclipse Menu
Successful running will be shown this main GUI.
Depends on your switch that you are using, check the mirroring status. For OpenFlow based software switch (Open vSwitch) use this command: ovs-vsctl list mirror <mirror_session_name>
- Access the Tapping Switch or access the Tapping Switch OpenDayLight Controller Web UI (If installed) and check the Datapath ID and ports number
- Open the Tapping configuration in the Flow visibility Tools (Configuration > Tapping Configuration)
- Enter the required information (OpenDayLight information, Flow Match/Filter, and Port Destination)
- Click Apply Tapping Policy for adding the Flow Entry
- Start the Flow Capture (Control > Start Capture)
Check the main GUI will be updated automatically.
- Flow Inspection based on JEthereal project will open the captured file (Flow Details > Flow Inspection)
- Flow Visualization based on NetGrok Project will visualize the information stored in the Pcap file (Flow Details > Flow Visualization)
- Authors : SmartX Collaboration (GIST NetCS)
- Contributors : Aris Cahyadi Risdianto
- Contact : TEIN-GIST@nm.gist.ac.kr