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Ben Best edited this page Mar 4, 2014 · 1 revision

I included these slots in a new OHI calendar which I just shared with y'all (using your Google NCEAS accounts). The advantage is only needing to enter these times once to then show up on our calendars. We can also explicitly invite folks to an event to check on availability.

I created a group called "OHI internal" under my NCEAS Gmail Contacts with all of you in it. I need only start typing "OHI internal" and it will fill autocomplete withe everyone. Same holds true with sending emails.


PS You can add any external calendar to your own, including the one for NCEAS community events which showed this conflict with Sid's talk like so:

Click on "Other calendars" dropdown (lower left navigation bar of calendar), Add by URL, paste the iCal link (also found under settings if in a different calendar), which for "NCEAS community events" is:

This is also helpful for making NCEAS calendars show up in your personal Gmail calendar. You simply get the iCal link under the calendar's settings and similarly add it to your Gmail calendar. That way you won't miss meetings when looking at one and not the other ;)

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