A turtlebot which is a differential drive bot equipped with LiDAR, wheel encoders and imu to collect information of surrounding. This bot can be used to navigate autonomously through a given area once map is made of that world.
In Gazebo different types of worlds can be made to navigate and simulate autonoumous navigation.
- Ubuntu v22.04
- Download here
- Clone this repo in your system
git clone https://github.com/OPCODE-Open-Spring-Fest/DevHub.git
- Navigate to the project directory
cd turtlebot-navigation/
- Now install the node modules
npm install
- Navigate to ros workspace directory turtle_ws
cd turtle_ws/
- Now build the workspace using the following command
colcon build
- Please check all the dependencies written in package.xml file present in src->turtlebot3_fake_node, src->turtlebot3_gazebo and src->simulations. If anyone of them is not installed they can cause error while setup.
- Navigation Stack
- Mapping
- Go to .github --> Contributor_Guide --> Project_Tour for more information in this project
- You can ask your doubts in the discord server OSF in the discuss-hub channel