This Project aims to offer a free to use API for Oldschool Runescape.
It will always be Open Source and Free to use on OSRS.Cafe!
Currently, API Tokens are not implemented, but are planned to be implemented should the need for them arise.
- Swagger/OpenAPI Support here
- Player Data Endpoints featuring Skills, Activities and Combat Level (+ A query option to only query Skills/Activities you are ranked on)
- Grand Exchange Endpoint
Dependency | Group | Used for |
kotlinx-serialization-json | org.jetbrains.kotlinx | Serializing data sent and received |
ktor-server-core | io.ktor | Essential ktor dependency |
ktor-server-netty | io.ktor | Essential ktor dependency |
ktor-server-content-negotiation | io.ktor | Used to automatically serialize sent/received data |
ktor-server-cors | io.ktor | Used to easily set the CORS rules |
ktor-server-rate-limit | io.ktor | Used for easy rate limiting |
ktor-server-status-pages | io.ktor | Used to easily return error messages on Exceptions |
ktor-server-websockets | io.ktor | Currently unused, might use it for GE Live Data in the future |
ktor-client-core | io.ktor | Essential ktor dependency |
ktor-client-cio | io.ktor | Essential ktor dependency |
ktor-client-content-negotiation | io.ktor | Used to automatically serialize sent/received data |
ktor-serialization-kotlinx-json | io.ktor | Essential for ktors content negotiation to work |
Additionally, for Swagger we use a static HTML file obtained from here and a custom Dark Mode CSS from here.
This Project uses the MIT License. See here.