OTTAA Project is an Alternative Augmentative Communication System, intended for people with speech impairments. It is a mobile, fast and effective tool that significantly improves the quality of life and facilitates social and labor integration.
We had already improved more than 40000 people lifestyle in 11 countries, our App helps people with Cerebral Palsy, Aphasia, Autism, Down Syndrome & mild ALS. You can be part of this life-changer tech, join us in this social impact open source project.
The libraries used are:
- volley - Network Requests
- Android-RateThisApp - App Rating
- lottie-android - Dynamic animations
- MPAndroidChart - Graphic Reports
- Glide - Loading Images
- Lightweight-Stream-API Java 7 lamba implementation
- SimpleNlg - Natural Language Processing
- Android Support Library - Google's Support Library
- Android Image Cropper - Can Hub Android Image Cropper
Official Android developer tools
Testing Platform
We would love your help. Before you start working however, please read and follow this guide.
Provide a lot of information about the bug. Mention the version of OTTAA Project and explain how the problem can be reproduced.
In order to create a pull request is necessary
- Avoid file conflicts with the source code
- Should make a description about the characteristics to apply
- Should apply the pull request in the corresponding branch
Branch | Description |
Version | Main |
Feature | Add new features |
Hotfix | Hot-fix about a version |
Bugfix | Bug-fix about a version |
Comment documenting the source code are required.
Comment a class explaining the purpose of that and how to implements if that required.
Comment should be formatted as proper English sentences.
use Javadoc documentation.
- Don't copy-paste source code. Reuse it.
- Sort by category.
Category | Description |
Library related to google | |
Android | Library related to android |
Firebase | Library related to firebase api |
Test | Library related to test app |
Library | Library related to different apps |
Sort by alphabetical order.
Use Grandle level app Example :
dependencies {
implementation 'library'
Switch case
Align by such as these cases :
case 0:
// Todo action here
// Todo default action here
If / else or else if
//To do action here
}else if{
// To do action here
} else{
// Todo
The attributes of the class must be protected or private
The Method of the class must be public, private or protected
The class must be public or private
Name: That must be transparent and representative about the action to show us.
Class: should be nouns in UpperCamelCase, with the first letter of every word capitalized. example :
public class Json(){
variable: Local variables, instance variables, and class variables are also written in lowerCamelCase.
example :
String name =" Carl";
String fileName="json.txt";
Constant: Constants should be written in uppercase characters separated by underscores.
example :
public static final String CONSTANT_NAME=" fileName.txt";
This is the Three in firebase :
├── Edad
├── email
├── Fotos
| ├── nombre_foto
| └── url_foto
├── FotosUsuario
├── Frases
├── Grupos
├── Juegos
├── Pago
├── Pictos
├── PrimeraUltimaConexion
└── Usuarios
In order to work in the OTTAA Project in a collaborative way and help our community grow we ask you to comply with the following code of conduct..
Diversity makes us grow : We truly believe that every user’s or developer’s age, gender, nationality, race or sexual orientation provide content based on a plurality of experiences and knowledge that contribute to the construction of a complete tool which reflects the real needs of potential users of the OTTAA Project.
Debate enriches us : As we consider that everyone can contribute significantly to improving the software we seek to establish mutual respect among the members of the community, reaching a consensus among the developers and solving the problem in the best way possible.
It is necessary to comply with the following guidelines in our conduct code:
- Refraining from discriminating .
- Avoiding posting pornographic content.
- Refraining from publishing the user’s details or relevant information.
- Refraining from making heavy jokes.
- Avoiding insults
- Refraining from judging others on there religions or race
In the case of any violation of our code of conduct, it should be reported as follows: Share your contact details
- Send a screenshot of the situation
- Explain the situation in as much detail as possible
- Send the email to the following address :
After the revision of the report, the team assigned to analyze the case will carry out the following actions:
- Notify the user of the breach
- devise a way for the user to amend that attitude.
the user can be expelled from the community in the following situation :
- Repeated conduct
- Posting of pornographic content