GestionMedicamentsPharmacie is an application for managing the acquisition of medicines in a pharmacy. It allows users to add, modify, search, and delete medicines from the database.
- Add Medicine: Users can add a new medicine by providing information such as code, name, price, date, and quantity.
- Modify Medicine: Existing medicines can be modified by updating their information.
- Search Medicine: Users can search for medicines based on their code.
- Delete Medicine: Medicines can be removed from the database using their code.
- Dashboard: Provides a dashboard with a list of medicines and the ability to filter them based on quantity.
- Java: The main programming language for the application.
- Swing: Used for creating the graphical user interface.
- MySQL: Database management system for storing medicine information.
- JDBC: Java Database Connectivity for connecting and interacting with the MySQL database.
- rs2xml.jar: External library for converting database results into a format compatible with Swing JTable.
- Import the included SQL file
into your MySQL database. - Add the
to your project's classpath.
- Run the
file to start the application. - The main dashboard allows you to search for medicines based on quantity and displays a list of medicines.
- Navigate to the "Nouveau" section to add a new medicine.
- Click on a medicine in the list to modify or delete it.
- OUARAS Khelil Rafik