[ESP32, ESP8266]
- built-in sensors, actuators, LCDs, DHTs, Steppers and other drivers
- built-in script language interpreter
- built-in HTTP(S) RESTful server, RESTful client, MQTT client
- WiFi access point/station modes
- OTA supported
- UART AT+ interface supported
- flexible assembly configuration (config.h)
- Web and desktop UX
- doesn't require programming skills
- doesn't require internet and additional servers
- Open Source under GPL-3.0 License
- /OWLOS/ C/C++ firmware source code (ESP32, ESP8266)
- /OWLOS/data/ JavaScript stand-alone and embedded UX
- /OWLOSAdmin/ .Net Core C# WPF UX
- /OWLOSEcosystem/ (FFR) .Net Core C# WPF + OpenGL UX
- /OWLOSResource/ Blendar 3D models, schematics and images resources
- /OWLOSStarter/ C/C++ for uploading OWLOS firmware bin from GitHub (HTTP Updater)
- install PlatformIO IDE
- install COM port drivers for your board
- in PlatformIO open OWLOS workspace
- setup your build configuration in config.h file
- build and upload OWLOS firmware to your board
More detailed instruction here
if your board based on ESP8266 -> ESP8266 prepared assembly
- Home
- Home RU
- Оperating modes RU
- WiFi modes RU
- Widgets RU
- Features EN
- Features RU
- How to install EN
- How to install RU
- Supported hardware RU
- PlatformIO IDE
- ESP32 Arduino Core
- me-no-dev/AsyncTCP (ESP32)
- ESP32 HTTPS Server
- Async MQTT Client
- DS3231 Real-Time Clock
- Adafruit Unified Sensor Library
- DHT-sensor-library
- LiquidCrystal_I2C
- Mónica (rovt@ua.fm)
- Yan Sokolov (Dadras279@gmail.com)
- Ddone Deedone (https://techadv.xyz/)
- Serhii Lehkii (sergey@light.kiev.ua)
- Konstantin Brul (konstabrul@gmail.com)
- Vitalii Glushchenko (cehoweek@gmail.com)
- Stanislav Kvashchuk (skat@ukr.net)
- Vladimir Kovalevich (covalevich@gmail.com)
- Denys Melnychuk (meldenvar@gmail.com)
- Denis Kirin (deniskirinacs@gmail.com)