Release 4.24.0
- cm turned off (#1393) (89c61c9)
- remove dropdown on non-multiply vaults (#1390) (6e70ac6)
- Constant Multiple feature toggle set to true (#1388) (1c016e7)
- introduced constant multiple read only safe switch flag (#1379) (846cff5)
- disable multipliers that would push vault below dust limit (#1387) (88baedc)
- Constant Multiple KB links updated (#1386) (aa8483c)
- Added missing KB links to auto buy and sell features (#1384) (8f1ebc5)
- Updated automationBotAggregator mainnet address (#1385) (c44fe84)
- disable CM form when there are no eligible multipliers (#1382) (ea23e2c)
- Operating cost and PnL calculations fix (#1383) (56fc1be)
- Total cost of Constant Multiple and PnL (#1370) (ac35d6f)
- CM max price input warning when no threshold (#1381) (1b32e75)
- Disable selecting ineligible multiplier in CM (#1380) (702bfbd)