Releases: OasisDEX/oasis-borrow
Releases · OasisDEX/oasis-borrow
Release 4.29.1
Release 4.29.0
Release 4.28.0
- Hardcoded socket io transports (#1472) (c2c6a40)
- Disable access to Auto-sell and Auto-buy UI when Constant Multiple is enabled (#1470) (996f71b)
- Notification host per env (#1471) (3a163d3)
- Test fix (#1467) (c55d032)
- Adjust multiple open (#1433) (161eb91)
- Added NOTIFICATIONS_HOST to yaml files, fixed broken tests (#1469) (5b244fb)
- updated Chinese language file (#1468) (7b778f3)
Release 4.27.1
- Added my face to the /about page (bbea0c2)
- Lw/5781 default state sl open flow (#1465) (8c89499)
- remove cm banner from non-multiply vaults (#1464) (3dee89e)
- Remove dummy notifications emit (#1463) (f6d8070)
- Unified default values in details section (#1462) (52121ca)
- Updated open SL status card copy (#1457) (84bc6e7)
- env.APP_FULL_DOMAIN -> secrets.APP_FULL_DOMAIN_(env) (#1461) (8067598)
- update auto features banners content (#1460) (604d54f)
- Changed secrets.APP_FULL_DOMAIN to env.APP_FULL_DOMAIN in the aws config (#1459) (768829f)
- Added APP_FULL_DOMAIN env to docker config (#1456) (5f26553)
- env variable to enable circular dependency plugin (#1454) (9931876)
- Updated AB / AS target ratio color (slider) (#1455) (f68d603)
- Updated folder structure, unified naming convention (#1453) (027b105)
- Changed the OG images path to absolute + added twitter:creator (#1449) (8071fc3)
- rm unused files with proxy creation (#1451) (367d648)
- Dedicated method for automation sidebar copies (#1444) (4c09673)
- Undo banner for vaults affected by latest Auto-Sell SC change (#1450) (0f27048)
- Update afterpills on trigger removal (#1448) (b07b765)
- added proxy creation disabled flag (#1438) (2f815c7)
- Added locale testing (#1446) (d42d2d1)
- update email for developer advocate (#1447) (c42300b)
- translations fix (#1445) (c7b3e36)
- Remove FAQ, Add Bounty & Earn to footer (#1427) (31edbb7)
- Showing stETH position on overview page (#1428) (e080fef)
Release 4.27.0
Release 4.26.0
Release 4.25.1
- Change logo name to invalidate cache (#1429) (900fa12)
- Add the security page (#1437) (eb26768)
- Added developer advocate @ careers page (#1440) (3fe50a1)
- Merge pull request #1439 from OasisDEX/main (833519a)
- AutoBS, set slider defaults when coll ratio above zero (#1436) (0159bb3)
- Sl too high or coll to high link fix (#1435) (cad4783)
- Liquidation price detail card fix (#1434) (f31d210)
- Automation context provider (#1430) (b01f9a7)
- handled too high c-ratio for ab (#1422) (7d47f8f)
- Hide unused subscription types (#1432) (8a6e838)
- Hide email notification config (#1431) (3af7bcc)
- Added Open Graph images for /borrow, /earn, /multiply (#1423) (ff47e18)
- Brand assets static page (#1418) (705f338)
- Fix Gnosis Safe Pending Signatures (#1420) (4f22915)
- finally fixed oasisdex/automation (116391b)
- Stop loss open flow execution price calc fixed (#1424) (46a5e5a)
- Extracted add / remove trigger control, adjusted stop loss flow (#1421) (ac2abd6)
- Fix Gnosis Safe Pending Signatures (#1420) (9740575)
- finally fixed oasisdex/automation (f2a0ddb)
- fix @oasisdex/automation (acee956)
- new package version (#1419) (827782b)
- updated common (#1417) (9515d8e)
- Ades/gas estimation/account for slippage when decreasing multiple (#1410) (322950d)
- Gnosis Signing (#1415) (9d115c3)
- Gnosis Signing (#1415) (fecf6de)
- Simulate view on open stETH (#1413) (61f428c)
- disabled aave positions on position overview. (#1414) (897f4d1)
- new default states for ab and as, sl (#1403) (efb76bc)
- Update the chinese translations (#1407) (da5d1e6)
- updated community manager to full-time (#1412) (d759924)
- fix (#1409) (44f910d)
- Prevent uBlock from blocking mixpanel analytics (#1364) (2fbb4db)
- Prevent uBlock from blocking sentry analytics (#1361) (b7a1c0a)
- Modal Window - Update Your Signature (#1408) (f9ffa69)
- Bump @oasisdex/automation from 1.1.10 to 1.1.11 (#1378) (83062de)
- fix (#1406) (67a1751)
- Bump @oasisdex/oasis-actions to ^0.0.4 (#1405) (738d9a0)
- Automate the weekly referral data creation step - Borrow database refinement and testing (#1402) (2d19a7d)
- Auto features reset button (#1404) (dc9bd6f)
- Auto features dropdown refinement (#1391) (c7c619d)
- add DisableSidebarScroll feature flag (#1394) (a81cb30)
- Replaced magic numbers with constants, grouped consts in automation (#1389) (2896dba)
- Opening position stETH (#1397) (0e3fd65)
Release 4.25.0
Release 4.24.0
- cm turned off (#1393) (89c61c9)
- remove dropdown on non-multiply vaults (#1390) (6e70ac6)
- Constant Multiple feature toggle set to true (#1388) (1c016e7)
- introduced constant multiple read only safe switch flag (#1379) (846cff5)
- disable multipliers that would push vault below dust limit (#1387) (88baedc)
- Constant Multiple KB links updated (#1386) (aa8483c)
- Added missing KB links to auto buy and sell features (#1384) (8f1ebc5)
- Updated automationBotAggregator mainnet address (#1385) (c44fe84)
- disable CM form when there are no eligible multipliers (#1382) (ea23e2c)
- Operating cost and PnL calculations fix (#1383) (56fc1be)
- Total cost of Constant Multiple and PnL (#1370) (ac35d6f)
- CM max price input warning when no threshold (#1381) (1b32e75)
- Disable selecting ineligible multiplier in CM (#1380) (702bfbd)
Release 4.23.3
- hotfix for tos version (#1377) (48cf167)
- change cm description in form (#1375) (8c3e387)
- Constant Multiple on non-multiply vaults (#1373) (b08ac9d)
- Afterpills tweaks in BS and CM (#1372) (d6e86c6)
-, fix duplicates in .env an .env.local (#1371) (dd566d2)
- fixed reset button for constant multiple form (#1367) (5d5e85c)