Santase AI Player
Algorithms: Basically using sorted sets and sorted dictionaries with custom comparer. It is like taking cards in your hands and first of all - other them. Sorting provides fast access to the most low-point cards and in the same time to the most higher one.
Ideas: Basically they are taken from here: And added more improvements of choosing mechanics in some situations! (Like not switching J trump, counting points for closing conditions and a lot more.)
Strategy: Basically the game consists of 2 stages and 2 different approaches based on witch player is on turn.
- Opened Stack Stage:
When are on turn, the process goes trough 4 stages:
- trying to detect Close Conditions - and close the Stock if it is ok.
- trying to Change Trump card
- try to announce 20or40
- play some low non-trump cars
- and if nothing goes so far play any card ( from the ordered sets/dictionaries) When we have to answer to the other side is a little bit harder.
- checking first, is opponent playing trump card - and try to run low on them
- if it is non trump, then try to take with 10 or Ace to get big points.
- if we cant we play Low Non-Trump but try to get the hand.
- then we try to get it again with Low Trump card
- and if all fail - try to avoid giving pints, by giving the lowest possible card
- Closed Stack Stage:
On Closed Stack the game changes a lot, but we have to think less. When we play first:
- we must try to play winning-for-sure cards first.
- if this fails - we check again for 20/40 announcements
- and then play low - to give little points to the opponent. When we answer to the opponent moves
- we check first if it is possible to win the take
- if not, we play low.
In the beginning we used standard Chain of responsibility pattern, but later we removed the anstracts(middle) class, becouse the - system, did not recognise witch public class with IPlayer in inheritance chanin is the main class. Now it is allmost the same method, but it it a little bit manual implemented in every class.
- Obelixx - Александър Ангелов
- stellaval - Стелла Вълчева