Recopilation of basic tools. More of 10 important tools for all distributions of Linux. Basic-Tools is an automated installation compilation of basic programs for Linux distributions based on Debian. With more than 10 basic programs from which to choose and that will be installed in an automated way.
1- Hexchat.
2- Simple Screen recorded.
3- Libre Office version 6
4- Terminal Terminator
5- Fire Fox
6- Audacity
7- VLC
8- Gimp
9- Bleach Bit
10- Drop Box
11- OBS Open Broadcaster Software
--To execute the Basic-Tools bash script, follow these steps:
1- Go to the folder where the file has been downloaded or cloned.
2- Give execution permissions to the file with the command "chmod + x"
3- Start the script or program with the command "./"
--It is recommended to run the program in ROOT.
Recopilación de programas básicos para distribuciones Linux. Más de 10 programas de instalación automatizada para facilitar la instalación y busqueda de programas básicos para cualquier sistema Linux.
Para ejecutar el script bash Basic-Tools se debe seguir estos pasos:
1- Ir a la carpeta donde se ha descargado o clonado el archivo.
2- Dar permisos de ejecución al archivo con el comando "chmod +x"
3- Iniciar el script o programa con el comando "./"
--Se recomienda ejecutar el programa en ROOT.
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