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 *	$Id: README,v 1.1 1999/12/02 08:01:39 zircote Exp $
mcal stands for Modular Calendar Access Library.

libmcal is a C library for accessing calendars. It's written
to be very modular, with plugable drivers.

once the library is compiled, calendar clients can be wirrten very easily.


To compile libmcal, you need to first have calendar drivers in place.
The calendar drivers are ina seperate package, and should be untarred
and compiled under the mail libmcal directory.


/home/musone/libmcal     <-- libmcal base compile directory
/home/musone/libmcal/icap   <-- icap driver for libmcal
/home/musone/libmcal/dummy  <--- dummy driver for libmcal

Once the drivers are compiled, run configure in the libmcal directory.

You should pass in --with-[DRIVERNAME] for each driver you want compiled in.

For example, in the above sample driver installation, to enable both driver:

>./configure --with-icap --with-dummy

You can also specify an alternative driver directory for each driver:

>./configure --with-icap=../drivers/icap --with-dummy=testdrivers/dummy

Once configure is run, type:


libmcal.a should then be compiled.