Wordie is a custom AI interface web app for Human-AI interaction research
The app is hosted for demo purposes at wordie.xyz
default login: prolific_id = [anything], password = music
researcher login: username = wordie, password = laplace666$
For usage, questions or collaborations, please cite/acknowledge/contact:
Oliver Lack
Australian Institute for Machine Learning (AIML) | School of Psychology
The University of Adelaide
oliver.lack@adelaide.edu.au | oliver@oliverlack.com
Summary of the core Elements of Wordie-AI Interface:
Wordie is designed to scrape a plethora of interaction data especially relevant to various human-AI interaction research. It is scalable and easy to experimentally customise and condition participant groups. This interface aims to make interaction with real-world AI systems more accessible. Integration with Qualtrics, Prolific, MTurk or other platforms for online sampling is easy.
The code is adaptable for various experimental manipulations. For example, manipulations that involve prompt engineering, API call parameters, AI model selection, communication modalities (audio/text), custom vector store retrieval, hardcoded experimental AI responses/prompts, and more.
Summary of Wordie's core features:
- Framework: Flask
- Production Server: Gunicorn
- API Integration: OpenAI, Anthropic, LLAMA, Gemini
- Data Files:
- interactions.json
- interactions_backup.csv
- Data Attributes:
- user_id
- prolific_id
- temperature
- model
- messages (user, AI)
- log probabilities (AI)
- Relative Sequence log probability
- Relative Interaction log probability
- token counts
- timestamps
- Database: users.db
- The users.db is used for the apps functionality and not data collection or analyses.
- Researcher Dashboard GUI
- Production Server Integration: AWS EC2 Instance
- Web Server: Apache2
- SSL: Certbot
- Experimental Setup:
- Participant conditioning via prolific ID, passwords
- Conditioning set using db passwords for survey integration
- Easily modified Agents JSON directory for condition settings
- Performance Optimization:
- Swap Space, standardised delays, cookie tracking for dynamics
- Log Data Collection:
- interactions.json, interactions_backup.csv
- Aesthetics
- Customised graphics, logos, and aesthetics
- Full CSS and javascript dynamics drafted
- Setup environment variables
- Register for an LLM API key and and create an environment variable named "OPENAI_API_KEY" with the key in it
- Create an env variable named "FLASK_SECRET_KEY" with a secret key for the Flask app
- Rememebr researcher acces env varibales for login #researcher login page researcher_username="wordie" researcher_password="laplace666$"
Here's example bash command to set env variables: #!/bin/bash # OpenAI API Key export OPENAI_API_KEY="your-openai-api-key"
- Start the app
To start Wordie, run the following command:
gunicorn -w 4 -b wordie:app
- Upon starting the app, you will be prompted to login with a prolific ID and password that is connected to an agent (experimental condition).
How to run Wordie on an AWS EC2 Instance (on a magical cloud connected to this thing called the internet):
Before Instance launch!
- Get a domain name and set up host service on AWS. Set elastic IP to domain. You'll have to edit DNS settings in domain provider.
Instance details -> AWS, Ubuntu, Flask, Gunicorn, Apache2
Important Tip - DO NOT stuff up any of the sudo chown commands. You will F#*! up permissions to root if you forget the wrong /. I’ve done this twice and wanted to punch a window both times. If this happens…Pack up your belongings, delete the instance, and start again…
Now get an EC2 Instance running
SSH into instance: (remember to be in directory of the .pem key file)
EX. ssh -i "wordie.pem" ubuntu@ec2-52-64-0-79.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com
Once SSH successful, follow these commands:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python3.venv sudo mkdir /srv/wordie sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu /srv/wordie
Send directory from local computer to wordie AWS instance (Will need to edit paths and names accordingly)
From local workspace directory
rsync -avz --exclude="vent" --exclude="pycache" ../Wordie_1_0/ ubuntu@wordie.xyz:/srv/wordie/ or scp -i /Users/a1809024/Desktop/PMC/AI_Interface/AWS -r ./ ubuntu@ Head back to SSH connection
cd /srv/wordie && ls -l python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install Flask pip install gunicorn pip install -r requirements.txt deactivate sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/wordie.service
Setup wordie background service in nano by pasting the following below into editor
followed by control+O, enter, then control+X.
[Unit] Description=Wordie Flask App After=network.target
ExecStart=/srv/wordie/venv/bin/gunicorn wordie:app -w 4 -b
[Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable --now wordie.service sudo apt install apache2 cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/ sudo rm default-ssl.conf sudo service apache2 start sudo mv 000-default.conf wordie.xyz.conf sudo nano wordie.xyz.conf
Edit wordie conf file by pasting the below into the nan editor
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName wordie.xyz ServerAlias www.wordie.xyz
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
sudo a2enmod proxy proxy_http sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf sudo a2ensite wordie.xyz.conf sudo service wordie start sudo snap install --classic certbot sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot sudo certbot --apache set ssl cert fr both domains by selecting 1 2 enter sudo crontab -e select 1 for nano and paste the following in nano, whiteout, exit, to renew SSL cert automatically 0 4 * * 1 /usr/bin/certbot --renew && /usr/sbin/service apache2 reload sudo adduser --system --no-create-home --group wordie_user sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/wordie.service Set/Check the user and group in the .service file to the user you just added “wordie_user” sudo chown -R wordie_user:wordie_user /srv/wordie/ sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo service wordie restart sudo service wordie status
Now you need to set all env variables for secret keys and API keys.
cd /srv/wordie source venv/bin/activate sudo /srv/wordie/venv/bin/pip install python-dotenv sudo nano /srv/wordie/.env
Now write in .env file
# OpenAI API Key (Wordie unpredictability project)
# Anthropic
# Flask Secret Key
#researcher login page
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/wordie.service add EnvironmentFile=/srv/wordie/.env in the [Service] section of the service file
sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart wordie sudo systemctl status wordie deactivate
Adding swap space to stop memory crashing at hight spikes
sudo fallocate -l 1G /swapfile sudo chmod 0600 /swapfile sudo mkswap /swapfile sudo swapon /swapfile free -m sudo nano /etc/fstab add this to bottom empty line /swapfile none swap sw 0 0 sudo reboot
WOHOO done…hopefully....nearly
Go to your browser and visit the IP or the domain name connected (domains can’t take up to 6 hours to connect to the IP).
To monitor memory, compute etc… use the following method:
SSH into the instance and commands: sudo apt install htop htop
Researcher Dashboard: The researcher dashboard GUI is still a work in progress. Prospective updates will include: -> Some "general settings" to change models, selection of output as text, audio, audio&text. -> An editor for the second interaction data capture (command-prompt/moral action button). -> Some visuals and descriptive graphics for interaction data.
Message to other researchers
- Please contact me if you want to collaborate/adapt the system for your purpose. Happy to help.
Extra info
- Numbers labelling current AI agent conditions 1 = AI is guesser 2 = AI is giver.
- An instance with Wordie will total 3.7gb of volume storage before any data is logged.
PMC Study 1 TODO List:
Change instructions for write password and secret words down
bouncing finish button and timer
Measures of unpredictability:
- joint probability of sequence and interactions (iterated exponent of the summed logprobs)
- prompt engineering score
- Human Perception of unpredictability (survey)
- zipf law score