The C++ Entity Framework Provider is a versatile database provider for C++ that follows a code-first and model-based approach. Inspired by C# Entity Framework (EF) Core, our library provides a cross-platform, open-source, lightweight, and extensible solution for C++ developers to work seamlessly with various relational databases using model objects. This eliminates the need for boilerplate data access code, enabling a more efficient and expressive development experience.
Code-First Approach: Define your database schema using C++ code.
Model-Based: Utilize models to represent database entities and relationships.
Cross-Platform: Enjoy the benefits of a cross-platform solution for database interaction.
Support for Multiple Databases: Works seamlessly with various relational databases, including:
- SQLite -> Done
- MSSQL -> To Do
- MySQL -> To Do
- PostgreSQL -> Done
- Microsoft Access -> To Do
Data Shaping: Shape your data according to your needs.
Data Editing and Validation: Simplify data editing and validation processes.
Searching and Filtering: Efficiently search and filter data.
Layout Customization: Customize the layout of your database interactions.
Ensure you have the following installed:
- C++ 20 compiler
1- First create your database model as a class.
class Country :public CAbstractDatabaseModel
REGISTER_PROPERTY(std::string, Name, Country, &Country::SetName, &Country::GetName)
REGISTER_PROPERTY(std::string, Display, Country, &Country::SetDisplay, &Country::GetDisplay)
Country() : CAbstractDatabaseModel(){}
void SetName(CVariant name) { Name = name.toString(); }
CVariant GetName() {return Name; }
void SetDisplay(CVariant display) { Display = display.toString(); }
CVariant GetDisplay() {return Display; }
class AreaRegion:public CAbstractDatabaseModel
REGISTER_PROPERTY(std::string, name, AreaRegion, &AreaRegion::SetName, &AreaRegion::GetName)
REGISTER_PROPERTY(int, CountryId, AreaRegion, &AreaRegion::SetCountryId, &AreaRegion::GetCountryId)
void SetName(CVariant name){this->name = name.toString();}
CVariant GetName(){return this->name;}
void SetCountryId(CVariant id){this->CountryId = id.toInt();}
CVariant GetCountryId(){return this->CountryId;}
Country* GetCountry(){return GetRelationship<Country>("CountryId");}
2- Create an object of database you want to work with.
using namespace EFProvider;
// construct db providers
auto country_db_provider = new CEFDriverSQLight<Country>();
auto area_region_db_provider = new CEFDriverSQLight<AreaRegion>();
// initialize db connection for providers
auto sql_connection = new CSQLightWrapper("","MyDBFile.db");
country_db_provider->Initialize(sql_connection, EDatabaseType::SQLight2);
area_region_db_provider->Initialize(sql_connection, EDatabaseType::SQLight2);
- To add relationship between two table:
// initialize relationships
SDatabaseRelationship rel;
rel.EFProvider = country_db_provider;
rel.ForeignKey = "CountryId";
- In this case, I have used QSqlDatabase component that exist in Qt-Creator.
- I have created a wrapper to working with QSqlDatabase and QSqlQuery.
namespace EFProvider{
class CQSqlQueryWrapper : public CAbstracSqlDataBaseQuery
CQSqlQueryWrapper(QSqlQuery* q) : LocalQuery(q) {}
bool Next() override
return LocalQuery->next();
CVariant Value(int index) override
auto v = LocalQuery->value(index);
return CVariant(v.toString().toStdString());
CVariant Value(std::string key) override
auto v = LocalQuery->value(QString::fromStdString(key));
return CVariant(v.toString().toStdString());
QSqlQuery *LocalQuery;
class CSQLightWrapper : public CAbstractSQLDatabase
CSQLightWrapper(std::string db_path,std::string database_name) : CAbstractSQLDatabase()
,LastQuery(new QSqlQuery)
// create db file
QString db_address = QString::fromStdString(database_name);
if(db_path != "")
db_address = QString::fromStdString(db_path + "\\" + database_name);
QFile f(db_address);
// initialize db file
LocalDatabase = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
bool Open() override {return;}
bool Close() override {LocalDatabase.close(); return true;}
CAbstracSqlDataBaseQuery* Execute(std::string cmd) override
*LastQuery = LocalDatabase.exec(QString::fromStdString(cmd));
return new CQSqlQueryWrapper(LastQuery);
QSqlDatabase LocalDatabase;
QSqlQuery* LastQuery = nullptr;
3- work with the EF-Object and then use SaveChanges() to apply changes in the database.
// Add a country in the Countrys table
Country my_country;
my_country.SetDisplay(std::string("Malaysia In East Asia"));
// Add a region in the AreaRegions table
AreaRegion my_reg;
- After running this code, an SQLight file will be created named "MyDBFile.db", and a table will be created in the database named "Country". After running the section 3 code, a row will be added to the "Country" table.
- I have used Qt for testing this module.
1- ToList() Query
auto all_area = area_region_db_provider->ToList();
qDebug() <<"----------------------------------------";
qDebug() <<"---------------ToList Query-------------";
qDebug() <<"----------------------------------------";
qDebug() <<"Area ID |"<<"Area Name |"<<"Country Id |"<<"Country Display";
foreach (auto item, all_area) {
qDebug() << item->GetId().toInt() << "\t"
<< QString::fromStdString(item->GetName().toString()) << "\t"
<< item->GetCountryId().toInt() << "\t"
<< QString::fromStdString(item->GetCountry()->GetDisplay().toString());
2- SingleOrDefault() Query
qDebug() <<"----------------------------------------";
qDebug() <<"----------Single Or Default Query-------";
qDebug() <<"----------------------------------------";
qDebug() << "Country Id |" << "Country Name |" << "Country Display";
auto malaysia_country = country_db_provider->SingleOrDefault("Name == 'Malaysia'");
qDebug() << malaysia_country->GetId().toInt() << "\t"
<< QString::fromStdString(malaysia_country->GetName().toString()) << "\t"
<< QString::fromStdString(malaysia_country->GetDisplay().toString());
3- Where() Query
qDebug() <<"----------------------------------------";
qDebug() <<"---------------Where Query--------------";
qDebug() <<"----------------------------------------";
qDebug() << "Country Id |" << "Country Name |" << "Country Display";
auto greater_id = country_db_provider->Where("Id > 4");
foreach (auto item, greater_id) {
qDebug() << item->GetId().toInt() << "\t"
<< QString::fromStdString(item->GetName().toString()) << "\t"
<< QString::fromStdString(item->GetDisplay().toString());
4- Top() Query
qDebug() <<"----------------------------------------";
qDebug() <<"-----------------Top Query--------------";
qDebug() <<"----------------------------------------";
qDebug() << "Country Id |" << "Country Name |" << "Country Display";
auto top_countries = country_db_provider->Top(4);
foreach (auto item, top_countries) {
qDebug() << item->GetId().toInt() << "\t"
<< QString::fromStdString(item->GetName().toString()) << "\t"
<< QString::fromStdString(item->GetDisplay().toString());
5- Find() Query
qDebug() <<"----------------------------------------";
qDebug() <<"-----------------Find Query-------------";
qDebug() <<"----------------------------------------";
qDebug() << "Country Id |" << "Country Name |" << "Country Display";
auto find_id = country_db_provider->Find(4);
qDebug() << find_id->GetId().toInt() << "\t"
<< QString::fromStdString(find_id->GetName().toString()) << "\t"
<< QString::fromStdString(find_id->GetDisplay().toString());