CMSI 371 Computer Graphics, Spring 2021
You may think of this last chunk of work as one assignment in four parts, or four assignments that build on the same code base. Either way, the intended result is the same:
- A 3D graphics framework of your design, with rudimentary geometry, transformation, material, and lighting features
- An interactive 3D scene that is implemented with this framework
The multipart aspect of these assignments motivates a different way to disseminate the instructions—they are included here as links to the public assignments repository for this class. Not all links may be live right away, but they should be eventually:
- Assignment 0406a Static scene based on our polygon mesh library
- Assignment 0406b Our own matrix library
- Assignment 0420 Our lights, our camera…
- Assignment 0506 …Your action!
Welcome to the world of 3D graphics! Hope you enjoy your visit 😎