OneCode offers cross platform development with a specialty in 3D. As part of our deveopment for one of our projects we developed an easy to use image template editor. The template is based on asSvg and asBase libraries.
You can use this as a ready made template or include it in your project and use it appropiately.
A live demo is available here:
asSVG is a library for building svg elements in HTML5
Draw an image on screen
let aDiv=document.getElementById("imageDiv");
let aSVGStage = asSvg.Stage.cretaeStage(aDiv, aDiv.clientWidth, aDivRect.clientHeight);
let aImage=new asSvgImage("assets/railway.png");
The asSvg library also supports rotating,moving and scaling of an svg element.
aImage.startDrag();// to move the element
aImage.rotation=180; //to rotate the element 180 degrees
aImage.setScale(1.5); // to scale the element 1.5 times it's orginal size
Display Object Abstract base class for all display elements in SVG.
Stage The root level display container for display elements
TextField Class that renders a single text line to the stage
Foreign Object Renders a non-svg (html) element to the stage
Image Renders an image to the stage
Rect Renders a rectangle to the stage
Shape Renders a display element for drawing vector data
Circle Renders a circle to the stage
Ellipse Renders an ellipse to the stage
Line Renders a line to the stage
The asBase library contains many usefull modules that you can include in your project.
EventManager Manages the dispatching and listening of events between any object.
MouseEvents Contains global constants for all the mouse events
Keyboard Code Contains global contstants for all keyboard codes
Point Class representing a 2D Point
Math Utils Contains some useful global math equations, like the distance equation,converting deg to rad etc.
Rectangle Class representing a rectangle
Matrix Class representing a transform matrix
Dispatching a custom event
Pass the event,owner and data(optional) as arguments"CustomEvent",this);
Listening to a custom event
Pass the event, callback function,owner, or data(optional) as arguments"CustomEvent",()=>this.someFunc(),this);
Calculate the distance between two 2D points
let point1=new asBase.Math.Point(3,-10);
let point2=new asBase.Math.Point(-8,7);
let aDist=asBase.Math.MathUtils.distance(point1,point2);
Download and include the asBase,asSvg and image folders in your project.
You can download the asSvg and asBase modules independently here:
Create a HTMLDivElement that the image will be set inside.
Create an instance of the ImageDrawing and ImageSaveCanvas class
let aDiv=document.createElement(div);
let aImageDrawing=new image.ImageDrawing(aDiv);
let aImageSave=new image.ImageSaveCanvas(aImageDrawing);
Set an Image
let aUrl="assets/img.png"; //url of image
Rotate an Image
Download an Image
Draw on Image
let aColor='#00000' //draw color
Write on Image
You can add a text box the image as well:
ImageDrawing Manages the scaling,dragging,rotation and drawing of the image
ImageSave Manages the dowloading and saving of the image
ImageCrop Manages cropping of the image
Module for all classes that implement the IAction interfaces. This module executes the redo/unod functionallity of the program. Each "user action" is repsented by a class
You can add a new action and undo/redo an action.
Add a clear all shapes from the image action
let aActionManager=new ActionManager();
let aAction=new action.ClearAllAction(sprite);//instance of asSVG.Sprite that the shapes were cleared from
aActionManager.addAction(aAction);// Instance of class that implements IAction
aActionManager.undo(); // undo the last action
aActionManager.redo() // redo the last action undone.
Module for all classes that extend the Shape Class. Contains classes for shapes drawn by the user on the image
Arrow An arrow object drawn by the user
Circle A circle object drawn by the user
Scribble A scribble object drawn by the user
Drawing a new shape:
let aSprite=new asSvg.Sprite(); //create a new sprite or use a existing one to draw the shape on
aStage.addChild(aSprite); // add the sprite to the stage you created earlier on
let aCircle=new shapes.Circle(aSprite ,"#fffff"); // sprite to draw circle on, color to draw circle
Class for constant variales used by all the other classes
Important Globals
image.Globals.isDrawInBound Determines whether shapes can be drawn only in the image's bounds. (true-only in bound, false,anywhere in the frame)
image.Globals.isFullScreen Determines when the frame is on the full screen or not
image.Globals.mTextArray Array of all text objects in the frame
image.Globals.mCircles Array of all shape objects in the frame
image.Globals.isArrowMode Determines whether the user is drawing an arrow or not
Full Documentation is available here: