Releases: OpaceDigitalAgency/ai-scribe-chat-gpt-content-creator
1.2.0 =
Tested with WordPress version 6.3.1.
Conclusion prompt update to avoid response splitting.
Q&A prompt update to avoid labelling questions.
Made the save button on settings pages sticky so easier to see.
Updated introduction prompt to avoid splitting.
Added a ChatGPT style custom instructions prompt to the settings page for use with GPT-3 and GPT-4.
Updated custom instructions prompt to make writing style more natural and avoid commonly used ChatGPT phrases.
Updated max_tokens restrictions so that they don't apply with GPT-4, 16K or 32K models. Please note, the models treat these instructions differently and don't always follow them.
Updated outline prompt for GPT-3 to avoid labelling of sections
Updated outline prompt for GPT-4 to avoid explaining sections
= 1.2.2 =
Fixed bug where add_menu was causing a conflict with the media library
= 1.2.3 =
Removed review code on admin
== Changelog ==
= 1.0.0 =
- Initial release.
= 1.0.1 =
- Tested with WordPress version 6.2.2.
- Additional info added to readme.txt
= 1.1.0 =
- Tested with WordPress version 6.2.2.
- Additional info added to readme.txt
- Added better error handling for HTTP status codes and API issues like timeout or model not available
- Remove word count limit for GPT-4 as results were getting truncated
- Improved UX to detect when user hits the enter key to generate results
- Change progress loading UX so consistent across the plugin
- Updated to only use the latest OpenAI models by default
- Included gpt-3.5-turbo-16k and gpt-4-32k-0613 options
- Update to save meta data for Yoast, Rank Math, All in One and SEOPress SEO plugins
- Update to save focus keywords for SEO plugins that provide optimisation scores
- Tweaks to default prompts to make them more effective
- Confirmation messages upn saving a post or shortcode