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Version [0.998.420.65.omicron-1627]

E.bash Environment/Function Library

E.bash is a lightweight Bash scripting environment and library for systems and network administrators who use Ubuntu 18.04 or higher.

The philosophy is to be simple, unobtrusive, flexible, with minimal dependencies, while providing a standard functionality across an entire network environment.

E.bash requires:

  • Ubuntu 18.04, or higher
  • Bash 4.4, or higher

Use on non-Ubuntu systems should be possible with minimal changes.

Quick One-Liner Install:

sudo git clone /usr/share/e.bash && sudo /usr/share/e.bash/e.install --auto


To invoke e.bash, just enter source e.bash at the top of your script, or invoke it at the command line.

    source e.bash new
    msg "Hello World"
    e.bash help

Once loaded into the environment e.bash can be invoked without reloading the entire library.

If e.bash is already loaded at the time a script is run, it is not loaded again, greatly speeding up load and execution time for downstream scripts that also use e.bash library functions.


Current functions:

addslashes calcfp check.dependencies chgConfigVar cleanup convertCfg2php debug.set DefineTextFileTypes dqslash dryrun.set editorsyntaxstring elipstr e.location exit_if_already_running exit_if_not_root exitscript explode get.element get.elements hr2int implode in_array in_array.loose int2hr is.debug is.dryrun is.interactive is_interactive is.number is.root is.strict is.tty is_tty ltrim mktempfile msg msg.alert msg.color msg.color.set msg.crit msg.debug msg.die msg.emerg msg.err msg.error msg.line msg.notice msg.prefix.separator.set msg.prefix.set msg.sys msg.usetag.set msg.verbose msg.verbose.set msg.warning msgx msg.yn on.exit onexit on.exit.exec on.exit.exit onexit.exit on.exit.function onexit.function on.exit.set onexit.set onoff pause payload_decode payload_encode perrno phpini_short_tags post_slug remove_accents remsp2 rmslash2 rtrim s sqslash sshexec strict.set strpos strposv strrpos strrposv str_str textfiletype titlecase tmpdir.set trap.function trap.onexit trap.set trim trimv urldecode urlencode urlpayload_encode usage version version.set website_online xselect

Script/Function Templates

Scripting templates are an important part of a programmer's armory. e.bash comes with several simple but powerful templates for new scripts, or functions. Here are the ones used most frequently:


#!shellcheck disable=SC0000
#@ Script  : $PRG
#@ Version : $(version.set)
#@ Desc    : 
#@ Synopsis: $PRG [Options]
#@ Options : -|--           
#@         : -|--           
#@         : -v|--verbose   Msg verbose on. (default)
#@         : -q|--quiet     Msg verbose off.
#@         : -V|--version   Print version.
#@ Examples:
#@ Requires:
#@ See Also: 
source e.bash.min || exit
  strict.set on
  msg.prefix.set "$PRG"
  version.set '0.0'

  xcleanup() { 
    : #rm -f "${TmpFile}"; 
  on.exit.exec 'xcleanup'

  # global vars
# main
main() {
  local -a args=()
  while (($#)); do case "$1" in
    #-|--)           ;;
    #-|--)          shift; para=${1:-} ;;
    -v|--verbose)   msg.verbose.set on ;;
    -q|--quiet)     msg.verbose.set off ;;
    -V|--version)   echo "$PRG vs $(version.set)"; return 0 ;;
    -h|--help)      _e_usage; return 0 ;;
    -[vqVh]*)       #shellcheck disable=SC2046 # de-aggregate aggregated short options
                    set -- '' $(printf -- "-%c " $(grep -o . <<<"${1:1}")) "${@:2}";;
    -?|--*)         msg.die -e 22 "Invalid option '$1'" ;;
    *)              args+=( "$1" ) ;;
                    #msg.die -e 22 "Invalid parameter '$1'" ;;
  esac; shift; done
  ((${#args[@]})) || msg.die -e 2 "No parameter specified."
  msg "${args[@]:-}"

main "$@"


#!shellcheck disable=SC0000
#@ Script  : $PRG
#@ Version : $(version.set)
#@ Desc    : 
#@ Synopsis: $PRG [Options]
#@ Options : -|--           
#@         : -|--           
#@         : -v|--verbose   Msg verbose on. (default)
#@         : -q|--quiet     Msg verbose off.
#@         : -V|--version   Print version.
#@ Examples:
#@ Requires:
#@ See Also: 
source entities || exit
  strict.set on
  msg.prefix.set "$PRG"
  version.set '0.0'

  xcleanup() { 
    : #rm -f "${TmpFile}"; 
  on.exit.exec 'xcleanup'

  # global vars
# main
main() {
  local -a args=()
  while (($#)); do case "$1" in
    #-|--)           ;;
    #-|--)          shift; para=${1:-} ;;
    -v|--verbose)   msg.verbose.set on ;;
    -q|--quiet)     msg.verbose.set off ;;
    -V|--version)   echo "$PRG vs $(version.set)"; return 0 ;;
    -h|--help)      _e_usage; return 0 ;;
    -[vqVh]*)       #shellcheck disable=SC2046 # de-aggregate aggregated short options
                    set -- '' $(printf -- "-%c " $(grep -o . <<<"${1:1}")) "${@:2}";;
    -?|--*)         msg.die -e 22 "Invalid option '$1'" ;;
    *)              args+=( "$1" ) ;;
                    #msg.die -e 22 "Invalid parameter '$1'" ;;
  esac; shift; done
  ((${#args[@]})) || msg.die -e 2 "No parameter specified."
  msg "${args[@]:-}"

main "$@"

Template function-header.bash

#!shellcheck disable=SC0000
#@ Script:Function:GlobalX:Global:Local: 
#@ Desc    : 
#@ Synopsis: 
#@ Options :
#@ Examples: 
#@ Depends :
#@ See Also:
X() {
X "$@"




See for full documentation.


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