A Bash 'script player' that executes and displays commands with typewriter-like effects, perfect for demos, tutorials, and presentations of terminal based information.
- Typewriter-style command and comment display
- Configurable typing speeds for commands and comments
- Custom username and hostname display
- Screen clearing capabilities
- Color-coded output (commands in yellow, comments in green)
- Error code tracking
- Support for silent commands and pauses
- Ubuntu Linux (or compatible distribution)
- Bash 5.0+
- Standard GNU utilities (grep, find, rsync, ssh, scp, sed, ls)
# Use root
sudo su
# Install into /usr/share
cd /usr/share
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Open-Technology-Foundation/scripttour.git
# Put a symlink in /usr/local/bin
ln -s /usr/share/scripttour/scripttour /usr/local/bin/scripttour
# Test
scripttour --help
As a one-liner:
sudo sh -c 'cd /usr/share && git clone https://github.com/Open-Technology-Foundation/scripttour.git && ln -s /usr/share/scripttour/scripttour /usr/local/bin/scripttour && scripttour --help'
Basic usage:
scripttour [OPTIONS] file.script
`-c, --clear` - Clear screen and wait 5 seconds
`-o, --comment-speed SPEED` - Set comment typewriter speed
`-m, --cmd-speed SPEED` - Set command typewriter speed
`-U, --username USER` - Set custom username
`-H, --hostname HOSTNAME` - Set custom hostname
`-v, --verbose` - Increase output verbosity
`-q, --quiet` - Suppress non-error messages
`-V, --version` - Print version and exit
`-h, --help` - Display help
SPEED: xxxfast xxfast xfast vfast fast normal slow vslow xslow xxslow xxxslow
Simple playback:
scripttour motivation.se.script
Advanced configuration:
scripttour -c -o xfast -m fast -U sysadmin -H yatti.id motivation.se.script
The script file (.script) supports several special syntax features:
- Silent comment (ignored)#
- Displayed comment (typed out)!
- Silent command execution- Empty lines - 1-second pause
- Numbers alone - Sleep for specified seconds
- Regular commands - Executed and displayed
Example script file:
## This is a silent/ignored comment
# Lines starting with # are typed out using typewriter
ls -la
!echo "This command runs silently"
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the GPL3 License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Gary Dean garydean@yatti.id