further information:
Declare dependency in Maven:
Creating a new document for your dokpool plone instance my.inst.example/dokpool
within Dokpool myPool
works as follow:
import de.bfs.dokpool.client.base.*;
import de.bfs.dokpool.client.content.*;
DocpoolBaseService docpoolBaseService = new DocpoolBaseService("https://my.inst.example/dokpool", "me", "myPassword");
DocumentPool myDocpool = docpoolBaseService.getPrimaryDocumentPool();
//use the first available group folder (ensure there is one):
Folder myGroupFolder = myDocpool.getGroupFolders().get(0);
Map<String, Object> docAttributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
docAttributes.put("title", "JavaDocpoolTestDocument");
docAttributes.put("description", "Created by mvn test.");
docAttributes.put("text", "This is just a Test and can be deleted.");
//this document is for ELAN = Elektronische Lagedarstellung für den Notfallschutz
docAttributes.put("local_behaviors", new String[] {"elan"});
Document myDoc = myGroupFolder.createDPDocument("my-new-doucment", docAttributes);
//Prints something like: /groupfolder/my-new-doucment
//You will find your new document at: https://my.inst.example/dokpool/groupfolder/my-new-doucment
See the test class for more examples. Building Javadocs is explained below.
To create dokpool-client simply build it with:
mvn package -DskipTests
and find from:
To create the api docs within folder apidocs run:
mvn javadoc:javadoc
Test with
cp .testenv.example .testenv #adapt to dokpool instance
bash -c 'set -o allexport && source .testenv && mvn test'
If you plan to use IDEA J then do
cat .testenv | tr '\n' ';'
and copy the output to the Environment variable entry in Run -> Edit Configurations (should open the JUnit config).
If you plan to use VSCode, add this to your .vscode/settings.json
"java.test.config": {
"name": "dokpoolTestConfig",
"workingDirectory": "${workspaceFolder}",
"envFile" : "${workspaceFolder}/.testenv"
To go on with building irix-xxx install it into your local maven repo ~/.m2:
mvn install -DskipTests