A tool to generate rich HTML TOCs.
This tool combines the information of a book PDF bookmark data and its DOI deposit to output an HTML representation of its TOC. The output would look like this:
1. Introduction Download
Author1 Name, Author2 Name and Author3 Name
2. Chapter One Title Download
Author1 Name and Author2 Name
Clone the repo and build the docker image: $ docker build . -t openbookpublishers/obp-gen-toc
docker run --rm \
-v /path/to/local/file.xml:/ebook_automation/file.xml \
-v /path/to/local/file.pdf:/ebook_automation/file.pdf \
-v /path/to/output:/ebook_automation/output \
-e TOC_LEVEL=1 \
openbookpublishers/obp-gen-toc \
bash run file
The environment variable TOC_LEVEL refers to the TOC level to which parse the TOC to.
The Thoth wrapper stored at ./src/thoth_wrapper.py` would:
- Convert the HTML TOC to plain text;
- Upload the TOC to Thoth.
The new command would be:
docker run --rm \
--user `id -u`:`id -g` \
-v `pwd`/input/file.xml:/ebook_automation/file.xml \
-v `pwd`/input/file.pdf:/ebook_automation/file.pdf \
-v `pwd`/output/obp-gen-toc:/ebook_automation/output \
-e TOC_LEVEL=1 \
openbookpublishers/obp-gen-toc \
./src/thoth_wrapper.py --doi $(doi)
Make sure you store your Thoth credentials in the env variables $THOTH_EMAIL and $THOTH_PWD.
Pull requests are welcome.