This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get facetracker up and running.
- Share facetracker code
- Facetracker is insipred from the American Tv show "Person Of Interest"
- Version 1.2
- This repo contains facetracker-core . You can check out facetracker-gui via this link .
build facetracker using source code
#Linux (Facetracker core)
$ git clone
$ cd facetracker-core/
installing dependecies(Debian - ubuntu) :
$ sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev
making the project :
$ make
* Facetracker Building *
make compil : Build facetracker
make memleaks : Check memory leaks
to compile all facetracker modules :
$ make compil
then execute it using
$ ./facetracker
#Linux ( Adding Options) You can compile facetracker using different Options .
- -DFT_USE_COLOR = Enable color output
- -DFT_DEBUG_ENABLED = Enable Debug mode
- -DFT_ALLOW_EXCEPT = Enable exceptions
- -DFT_WINCAM_LIST = Enable camera listing for Windows
- -DFT_TEST_PERFORMANCE = Enable performance testing
- -DFT_NO_UI = Disable graphique check
- -DFT_FORM = Enable output for FORM detection
- -DFT_TEST_RECOGNISE = Enable recognition
- -DFT_OPTIMISATION = Enable optimisation
#MAC OSX (facetracker core) The project was done using Clion , just open the project using Clion on MAC OSX . The file CmakeLists.txt is available .
#Windows (facetracker core)
Open the .sln file using Visual Studio
#Available Arguments -o : allows you to open a media source (camera , picture , video, rtsp link..)
$ ./facetracker -o CAM0 (open camera id=0)
$ ./facetracker -o video.avi (open the file video.avi)
- Hamza Bourrahim
- Godeleine Champenois
- Quentin Jeannaud