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Open-api-sdk is a library for interaction with Open Platform.



Using pip:

$ pip install open-api-sdk

Get started

OPEN Platform uses OpenKeys to allow access to the API. You can register a new OpenKey at your Account.

OPEN Platform expects the OpenKey to be included in all API requests to the server in a header.

We assume that you have the OpenKey by this moment.

To access the library import an OpenPlatform class and call an instance with the OpenKey as following:

from openp_py import OpenPy

# Access API via instance of OpenPlatform class
op = OpenPy(open_key)

open_key - your open key.

In the following examples, it is assumed that op is a result of instantiating the OpenPlatform class with the open_key


Page request attributes

Attribute Type Description
offset Long Page offset
limit Int Page limit

Page response attributes

Attribute Type Description
totalCount Long Total count of entities in a database
list [] List of entities with type T (T is generic)


Scaffold attributes
Attribute Type Description
address String Scaffold address
abi String Scaffold json interface
description String Scaffold description
fiatAmount String Scaffold fiat amount
currency String Fiat amount currency
conversionAmount String Fiat amount converted to ethereum
developerAddress String Scaffold developer address
webHook String Scaffold webhook for events
properties ScaffoldProperty[] Scaffold properties
Scaffold properties attributes
Attribute Type Description
name String Property name
type PropertyType Property type
defaultValue String Property default value
scaffolds = op.scaffold.get_all()
address = '0x1c297f40beb075936d6dbe4b245b92738867ecb1' # an address of the scaffold (example)
scaffold = op.scaffold.get_single(address)
Scaffold summary attributes
Attribute Type Description
scaffold Scaffold Scaffold
transactionIndex BigInteger Transaction index
tokenBalance BigInteger Scaffold token balance
enabled Boolean Scaffold enabled
currency String Fiat amount currency
shareHolders ShareHolder Scaffold shareholders
summary = op.scaffold.get_summary(address)
transactions = op.scaffold.get_summary(address)
Set web hook request data
Attribute Type Description
address String Scaffold address
webHook String Scaffold webhook for events
data = {'webHook': ''}
set_webhook(address, data)
scaffold = op.scaffold.set_webhook(address, data)
Deploy scaffold request data
Attribute Type Description
openKey String User open key
description String Scaffold description
fiatAmount String Scaffold fiat amount
currency String Fiat amount currency
conversionAmount String Fiat amount converted to ethereum
developerAddress String Scaffold developer address
webHook String Scaffold webhook for events
properties ScaffoldProperty[] Scaffold properties
data = {
    'openKey': open_key,
    'developerAddress': '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
    'description': "any_description",
    'fiatAmount': "123",
    'currency': "USD",
    'conversionAmount': '0.2139521163',
    'properties': [
        'name': "property_name",
        'type': "STRING",
        'defaultValue': "property_value"
scaffold = op.scaffold.deploy(data)
scaffold = op.scaffold.deactivate(address)
Quota attributes
Attribute Type Description
currentCount Int Current deactivated scaffolds count
limitCount Int Limit of deactivated scaffolds count
quota = op.scaffold.get_quota()


Shareholder attributes
Attribute Type Description
address String Shareholder address
percent Int Shareholder percent
# Shareholder attributes
data = {
    'address': '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
    'percent': 30
add(address, data)
summary = op.shareholder.create(address, data)
Update shareholder request data
Attribute Type Description
percent Int Shareholder percent
data = {'percent': 50}
update(address , holder_address , data)
shareholder_address = "0xDc29484cc9C02Ee01015f33BcA8bBb5C7293Fb54" # an example of shareholder's address
summary = op.shareholder.update(address, shareholder_address, data)
remove(address, holder_address)
summary = op.shareholder.remove(address, shareholder_address)