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Component Activation

Helge Heß edited this page Sep 25, 2024 · 5 revisions

Component "content" pages in OGo are often activated using a Java Mail like activation system that works on top of the MIME type.

For example this DirectAction ("new appointment"):


Loads the page using this:

  page = [sn instantiateComponentForCommand:@"new"
             type:[NGMimeType mimeType:@"eo/date"]];

I.e. it tells the session to find a component that can create a new eo/date object.

There are various command "verbs" (do not confuse them with "commands" in Logic), like:

  • new
  • edit
  • delete
  • print
  • move
  • proposal
  • mailview
  • htmlMail
  • textMail
  • link-inline-preview

The lookup is done using the BundleManager and declare like this in the bundle-info.plist of an NSBundle:

  provides = {
    LSWCommands = (
        verb      = view;
        type      = "eo-gid/date";
        component = LSWAppointmentViewer; 
      { verb = view;     type = "eo/date"; component = LSWAppointmentViewer; },
      { verb=print; type="eo-gid/date"; component=SkyAppointmentPrintViewer;},
      { verb=print; type="eo/date";     component=SkyAppointmentPrintViewer;},
      { verb = edit;     type = "eo/date"; component = LSWAppointmentEditor; },
      { verb = new;      type = "eo/date"; component = LSWAppointmentEditor; },
      { verb = proposal; type = "eo/date"; component = LSWAppointmentProposal; },
      { verb = move;     type = "eo/date"; component = LSWAppointmentMove; },

Called Site

Looks like the components get sent this:

- (BOOL)prepareForActivationCommand:(NSString *)_command
  type:(NGMimeType *)_type
  configuration:(NSDictionary *)_cfg

Which e.g. is implemented in OGoEditorPage, and enhanced, e.g. it adds

- (BOOL)prepareForNewCommand:(NSString *)_command
  type:(NGMimeType *)_type
  configuration:(NSDictionary *)_cmdCfg

e.g. implemented in LSWAppointmentEditor.

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