With YearCalculator you can convert Gregorian year to other calendar system (Hebrew, Islamic, Solar hijri, Japan, Roman, Nepal, Thai, Burmese) and Vice Versa.
YearCalculator is a part of OpenNumismat project, so it aims to convert years on coins.
Latest version for Windows 10 and later
Version 0.1 for Windows XP and later
YearCalculator.exe [-h] [-l {en,bg,de,es,pt,ru,sl,uk}] [-g GREGORIAN] [-n NATIVE]
[-c {hebrew,islamic,iranian,japanese,roman,nepal,thai,burmese}]
-l {en,bg,de,es,pt,ru,sl,uk}, --lang {en,bg,de,es,pt,ru,sl,uk}
UI language. If not specified, the system language is used
Initial gregorian year
-n NATIVE, --native NATIVE
Initial year in native calendar
-c {hebrew,islamic,iranian,japanese,roman,nepal,thai,burmese}, --calendar {hebrew,islamic,iranian,japanese,roman,nepal,thai,burmese}
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 src/run.py