GeoView beta 1
Tag for the first release before massive API and architecture refactoring in beta 2.
What's Changed
- update dev by @labordep in #1
- Update dev by @labordep in #2
- Merge into main by @labordep in #3
- Get evolutions from dev by @labordep in #4
- Dev symbologymanager by @labordep in #6
- Refactoring of ProcessData: remove Ae suffixe by @LANDAISB in #8
- DPolygon and DPolyline work by @LANDAISB in #7
- Patch Issue #9 by @LANDAISB in #10
- Bug fix use selectedKeysHasChanged: instead of view selectedObjectIn… by @LouisePla in #12
- Dev by @LANDAISB in #13
- Corrections method check azimuth towards area (+test) by @LANDAISB in #14
- Deplacement GeodesicUtilities et WGS84 depuis GeoView vers GeoTools by @LANDAISB in #15
- Concurrent access and performance work by @labordep in #16
- Remove Bloc specific dependency version by @labordep in #19
New Contributors
- @LANDAISB made their first contribution in #8
- @LouisePla made their first contribution in #12
Full Changelog: