- https://modbeta.trimet.org/vehicles/?routeId=all
- https://maps.trimet.org/gtfs/rt/vehicles/routes/all
- https://betaplanner.trimet.org/ws/ti/v0/index/routes
- https://maps7.trimet.org/ti/index/patterns/TriMet:420074/geometry/geojson
- https://maps7.trimet.org/ti/index/patterns/TriMet:420074/geometry
- https://betaplanner.trimet.org/ws/ti/v0/index/patterns/TriMet:3/geometry
- https://betaplanner.trimet.org/ws/ti/v0/index/patterns/TriMet:420074/geometry/geojson
- https://maps.trimet.org/otp_mod/index/patterns/TriMet:0:xxxx/geometry/geojson (stupid OTP TI pattern numbered junk)
- https://betaplanner.trimet.org/ws/ti/v0/index/patterns/TriMet:3/geometry/geojson # NOTE: throws exception
- cd transit-components
- git checkout master
- git pull
- scripts/co_rr_mod.sh -- for integration steps below - DO THIS BEFORE creating otp-rr branches, etc...
- scripts/make_new_dev_branch.sh
- grab package.json with the React 15.0 dependencies from another branch on github
- rm -rf node_modules yarn.lock build/*
- yarn install
- rewrite RotatedMarker.js (see earlier commits to R 15 branches)
- edit SelectVehicles.getLeafletContext() -- return this.conext
- edit SelectVehicles -- comment out import 'promise-polyfill/src/polyfill';
- edit SelectVehicles -- add leaflet={this.getLeafletContext()} to
- edit VehicleMarker.js --import nearestPointOnLine from 'turf-point-on-line'; import {point, lineString} from 'turf-helpers';
- edit MyWithLeaflet.js -- return clz;
- edit TransitMap.js -- remove locate control from map
- edit TransitMap.js -- remove layer switcher code from map
- yarn start -- is the map working?
- yarn build
- git commit -a -m "Backport to React 15"
- (make sure you ran run scripts/co_rr_mod.sh from above ... else you wont have latest code )
- cd ../otp-react-redux/
- rm -rf build dist node_modules yarn.lock
- yarn install
- (see line below) have a valid config.yml in the directory
- cp ../transit-components/lib/common/config.yml .
- yarn start -- is the map working?
edit package.json -- add dependency to OpenTransitTools/transit-components#
"transit-components": "github:OpenTransitTools/transit-components#vehicles-08_08_2019",
yarn install -- should now see
ls ./node_modules/transit-components
edit lib/components/map/default-map.js (line ~45)
import {SelectVehicles} from 'transit-components';
case 'vehicles': return <SelectVehicles visible={false} key={k} {...overlayConfig} />;
add to switch statement on line ~45. -
edit lib/components/map/map.css (and example.css) to add vehicle.css content
cp ../trimet-mod-otp/lib/config.yml .
yarn start -- is the otp-rr map working w/vehicles now?
still within otp-rr project repo...
edit package.json add
"version": "0.1.0",
rm -rf build dist
yarn prepublish
yarn build
git status
git add -f build/* dist/*
git commit -a -m "add build (.js) & dist (.css) dirs + vehicles to OTP-RR"
git push
cd ../trimet-mod-otp/
rm -rf node_modules yarn.lock dist
edit package.json -- add OTP-RR dependency to TriMetPDX github version
"otp-react-redux": "github:TriMetPDX/otp-react-redux#vehicles-08_07_2019",
yarn install
(see line below) add config.yml to ./lib/
cp ../transit-components/lib/common/config.yml ./lib/
yarn start -- is the app showing rt vehicles now?
yarn build
scp lib/config.yml dist/* mod@server:~/public/map/
- refactor -- Component Library best practices / etc...
- show layer via url param on load
- click on line, open popup (what to show? open tracked vehicle stop popup?)
- see PaulLeCam/react-leaflet#317 for popus
- interpolated vehicle position -- Streetcar / estimated position vs. RT
- add overlays (routes / patterns / stops)
- add search
- add route list - select routes to show vehicles
- localize
- make a pan control
- clean up the control stuff below: more dynamic (layer names & number button from .yml), option to put it in layer switcher or as buttons, etc...
- cleanup
git update-index --assume-unchanged yarn.lock