This repository contains the code and fritzing scheme for a smart bottle project I've made for an IoT course in college.
The prototype uses a paper cup instead of an actual bottle due to issues in distance measurement.
- Water level measurement and display
- Audible drinking reminders
- Night light (Helps finding the bottle in the dark)
- Temperature measurement and indication
- Cloud connectivity and dashboard (Ubidots)
- 2 NodeMCU ESP8266 boards - one for the inputs and one for the outputs
- A DHT11 temperature sensor (for temperature measurement outside the bottle)
- A DS18B20 temperature sensor (for temperature measurement inside the bottle)
- A photoresistor (for light measurement)
- An HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor (for water level measurement)
- A piezo speaker (for drinking reminders)
- An RGB LED (for temperature indication - red is too hot, green is fine and blue is too cold)
- A 7-Segment display with TM1637 driver (for numerical water level display, in ml)
- A yellow LED (for night light)
- NodeJS
- Python 3.6 or above
- The NodeMCU boards should have the latest version of MicroPython flashed
- (Recommended) PyCharm with MicroPython plugin
git clone --recursive
npm install
pip install -r requirements.txt
A configuration file config.json
should be placed in directory src/common/
Here is an example of how the configuration file should look:
"wifi": {
"ssid": "MY_SSID",
"password": "MY_PASSWORD",
"connection_timeout_sec": 20
"ubidots": {
"api_token": "MY_UBIDOTS_API_TOKEN",
"device_id": "MY_UBIDOTS_DEVICE_ID"
"behavior": {
"measurements_interval_sec": 1,
"temperature_range": {
"min": 20,
"max": 30
"external_temperature_allowed_offset": 5,
"night_light_threshold": 40,
"required_drinking_frequency_minutes": 1
"bottle": {
"bottle_capacity_ml": 200,
"ml_per_cm": 36.36,
"bottle_height_cm": 10
Connect the inputs board and run:
gulp inputs
Connect the outputs board and run:
gulp outputs
This project uses some external modules for controlling components that the basic MicroPython libraries don't include:
- micropython-hcsr04 - for controlling HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor
- micropython-tm1637 - for controlling TM1637 7-Segment driver
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details