- ROS Noetic node examples with robot motion planners implemented in WRS.
- Docker environment for ROS Noetic packages
- ROS node examples with grasp planners (Wan et al., IEEE TRO 2021)
- Ubuntu 22.04 PC
- NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
- NVIDIA Driver 470.256.02
- Docker 26.1.1
- Docker Compose 2.27.0
- NVIDIA Docker 2.13.0
git clone git@github.com:Osaka-University-Harada-Laboratory/wros.git --recursive --depth 1 && cd wros && COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker compose build --no-cache --parallel
- Build and run the docker environment
- Create and start docker containers in the initially opened terminal
docker compose up
- Execute the container in another terminal
xhost + && docker exec -it wros_noetic_container bash
- Change planning parameters in wros_tutorials/config/XXX.yaml
- Build program files with the revised yaml
cd /catkin_ws && catkin build -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 && source devel/setup.bash
- Run a planning process in the container
- Use byobu to easily command several commands
- First command & F2 to create a new window & Second command ...
- Ctrl + F6 to close the selected window
- Run the grasp planner
roslaunch wros_tutorials plan_grasp.launch config:=XXX.yaml
- Call the planning service
rosservice call /plan_grasp
Please refer to wiki page for usage examples.
We always welcome collaborators!
Takuya Kiyokawa
Weiwei Wan
Keisuke Koyama
Kensuke Harada
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.