I am born 2nd May 2003 in Germany, and I started out Programming with creating some Minecraft modifications, most of them (almost all) didn't really publish as i was just 13-15 and i didn't have the motivation and time to keep going and programm all day. So I started doing things that interested me and motivated me.
It always has started for me with a little curiousity and then just straight up learning most of the stuff of some docs or wiki's for whatever i was trying to learn. There had to be something really interesting about it, something i want to find out or i found cool and want to do myself. At some point i got into 3d modeling with blender (not that advanced but good enough to make some models) , Video editing with Premiere Pro/Sony Vegas 13 and Image editing with Gimp at first and then moving on to photoshop.
If you are for somereason interested my Alt Name for Gaming is Oscarita25/Modn4rstuff/Yummymuffin25. I have created some Youtube Channels(who did not?) but most of them were stupid attempts at doing something i didn't want to put effort in or i simply lost my password. those the ones what i am pretty ok with sharing, the other ones are pretty easy to find with my alt names and are kind of cringe:
So i completed school this year (2021) and have Graduated. I'll be going to a technic school to learn more programming and networking etc.
thanks for reading trough this, have a nice day bye! :D