This is a small Cron application which checks every 30 minutes if specific products available in the BerryBase Shop. If product status changed you can receive Discord/Telegram chat notifications.
A small express API also running where you can request and add more products to watchlist.
there is already a running version. If u want access hit me up on discord: Oskar#2843
"/": "info about this router",
"/getProductList": "receive all watchedProducts",
"/getProduct?product=RPI-PICO-W": "receive stock status off specfific product SKU",
"/addProductToList?product=RPI-PICO&name=RaspberryPi&url=": "add Product sku to watchedProducts",
- addProductToList has 3 requeired query params
- product = product sku
- name = product name which is used in notification messages
- url = berrybase shop url used in notification messsages
- npm run start = node server/server.js
- server.js starts an express.js https server with the api router
- server.js also starts an cron job which runs n:00 and n:30 24/7
- this cron job reqeusts a route with all product skus specified in ./server/data/cron/watchedProducts.json
- when request succes it parses the response .
- when "warenkorb" button availalbe it "knows" it is available otherwise it is not available
- the parsed reqest gets sotred into watchedproducts.json
- also new productData gets compared with old data and if status changed productListeners gets notified via DiscordWebhook and/or Telegram Bot chat
- the /api router (express.js) reads/write data to watchedProducts.json
Get added to running script
- hit me up on discord and i'll add your credentials to the running script
- Oskar#2843
Self host
- to get notified via Discord webhook or telegram u need to add the Weebhook/chat id token to the .env
- after that u need to edit ./server/data/cron/productListeners.json and add which token listens to which Product sku
- clone repo
- create .env using .env-template
- remove mainapiconnector from package.json
- only used in personal enviroment to connect to main api gateway
- edit ./server/data/cron/watchedProducts.json to specify which product skus to listen to
- npm i
- npm run start
- discord webhook implementation | added
- twitter bot implementation
- telegram bot implementation | added
- /api/addProduct query sanitatsion | added
- email sending script
- webhook notifictaion sender
- just axios to different urls