The aim of this project was to make a colne of the landing page using the Bootstrap Framework and making sure the responsiveness matches that of the original page.
Screenshot of Page
For this project I used the Bootstrap Grid system to achieve the requried responsiveness for the page. I also added my own personal styles (Media Queriess) to achieve certain design aspects that I could not achive with Bootstrap alone. Also I included my own personal styles too to replicate the design of the page (Colors, Hover-effects etc). For the first time too I use the CSS Grid system to achieve the first navbar layout and its resposivness which I must say I'm pretty proud of. It was a challenging Project, I'm just happy I was able to at least make it look as close to the original as possible.
- Html
- Css
- Bootstrap
👤 Osong Agberndifor
- Github: Osong Agberndifor
- Twitter: Osong Agberndifor
- Linkedin: Osong Agberndifor
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