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xsdba: Statistical Downscaling and Bias Adjustment library

Versions PyPI Conda-forge Build Version Supported Python Versions
Documentation and Support Documentation Status
Open Source License OpenSSF Scorecard
Coding Standards Python Black Isort Ruff Open Source Security Foundation Best Practices status
Development Status Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Build Status Coveralls

Statistical correction and bias adjustment tools for xarray.


  • The xsdba submodule provides a collection of bias-adjustment methods meant to correct for systematic biases found in climate model simulations relative to observations. Almost all adjustment algorithms conform to the train - adjust scheme, meaning that adjustment factors are first estimated on training data sets, then applied in a distinct step to the data to be adjusted. Given a reference time series (ref), historical simulations (hist) and simulations to be adjusted (sim), any bias-adjustment method would be applied by first estimating the adjustment factors between the historical simulation and the observation series, and then applying these factors to sim`, which could be a future simulation:
  • Time grouping (months, day of year, season) can be done within bias adjustment methods.
  • Properties and measures utilities can be used to assess the quality of adjustments.

Quick Install

xsdba can be installed from PyPI:

$ pip install xsdba


The official documentation is at

How to make the most of xsdba: Basic Usage Examples and In-Depth Examples.

xsdba was first developed as the submodule sdba of xclim. A migration guide is available for users of sdba.


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the Ouranosinc/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.