Version 2.0.1
To use, add to the directory containing Outpost 2.exe. op2ext.dll is included standard with Outpost 2 releases. op2ext.pdb (MSVC debug file) is included below to assit in debugging.
Change Log
Version 2.0.1
- Fix bug in Console Mod Loader that separated the executable's path into multiple arguments if the path included a space.
Version 2.0.0
- Add ability to load vol files with any name into Outpost 2 from the root directory.
- Deprecated function GetGameDir(char* buffer).
- Change public callable function InitMod to have a const char* variable - void InitMod(const char* iniSectionName)
- Allow retrieving data from Outpost2.ini that is greater in size than 1024 characters.
- Fix bug in SetSerialNumber function.
- Improve error messages when Outpost 2 has difficulty loading a module or vol files.
- Add an ini module sample.
- Fix errors in console switch module sample.
- Move external callable functions from public.h to op2ext.h.
- Write a TestModule that is included with the project.
- Introduce C++11/14 practices into code base.
Version 1.0.0
- Several releases of op2ext were made prior to 2.0.0 which are not currently documented.