Tags: TSL2561, FEATHER 32U4 ADALOGGER, Arduino, I2C, SPI, luminosity, lux, IR
Simple data logger based on ADAFRUIT FEATHER 32U4 ADALOGGER with luminosity sensor TSL2561 on an ADAFRUIT breakout board. Programming language is C++ (Arduino sketch). Four different functions are available by selecting them with the help of a 4 Bit DIP switch. 100 text files with acquired data can be stored on the SD card.
- Read luminosity data (lux) from sensor and store it as string value on SD card
- Read all data from all text files from SD card and send it via USB serial to terminal program
- Read directory from SD card and send it via USB serial to terminal program
- Toggle logging/no logging with DIP switch
- Delete all stored text files on SD card
- Blink some error codes with the internal LED if necessary
- Arduino IDE v1.8.13 https://www.arduino.cc
- https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_TSL2561
- https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_TSL2561/blob/master/examples/sensorapi/sensorapi.ino
I like to thank all the people who contributed most of the code in this project for their cleverness and effort to make things work.