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Sovrin Service for OwnYourData Notary

This service manages references to documents in the OwnYourData Notary Service by creating Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) in the Sovrin Blockchain.


Get the Docker image:


The following inputs must be available:

Compile the inputs from above into a JSON:

  1. in indy-cli export the wallet with the DID to a file and note wallet-key and export-key
    indy> wallet open my-wallet key=wallet-key
    indy> wallet export export_path=/path/to/wallet export=export-key
  2. base64 encode the exported wallet
    $ base64 -w0 /path/to/wallet
  3. generate JSON with the following elements:
        "master_did":"DID string",
        "genesis_file":"link to genesis record of the blockchain",
        "wallet_key":"wallet-key from wallet export",
        "export_key":"export-key from wallet export",
        "wallet":"base64 encoded wallet"

Start the service

$ docker run -d -i -p 3000:3000 oydeu/srv-sovrin /bin/ "$(< /path/to/JSON_from_above)"

API Description

The API exposed by the Docker container is described here:


  • request a new DID: curl http://localhost:3000/api/did/new
    response: {"did":"3V7SK7DrUdKYp1A4QAMNHy","seed":"e0015c5ba2894c7091ae8d1a0d14ca5c","verkey":"~FC9tYLSoDCnGwXSALCZKJc"}
  • write DID to blockchain: curl -d did=3V7SK7DrUdKYp1A4QAMNHy -d verkey=~FC9tYLSoDCnGwXSALCZKJc -d seed=e0015c5ba2894c7091ae8d1a0d14ca5c -d hash=476911022fc90f12f23052ddc863fd2a3ad3e9f3123b986dd1fded867cd3ae27 -X POST http://localhost:3000/api/did/create
    response: {"wallet-key":"9bec3b1cf9a0","export-key":"14f34009253d","wallet":"VA...ha"}

Importing the wallet

To use the new DID in the provided wallet perform the following steps:

  1. create wallet file
    $ echo -n "base64 encoded wallet" | base64 -d > new_wallet
  2. import wallet in indy-cli
    indy> pool connect sovrin
    indy> wallet import new_wallet_name key=wallet-key export_path=/path/to/new_wallet export_key=export-key
    indy> wallet open new_wallet key=wallet-key
    indy> did use new-did
    indy> did rotate-key  # make sure to update keys after getting a DID from a public service

Improve the Sovrin Service for OwnYourData Notary

Please report bugs and suggestions for new features using the GitHub Issue-Tracker and follow the Contributor Guidelines.

If you want to contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create a feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push into branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Send a Pull Request



MIT License 2018 -


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