A JSON based DBMS for local use (a firebase inspired project🙂), Thanks to localbased you get to focus more on the your frontend Implementations
npm i -g localbased
In your current working directory run
localbased start --port [port]
this command starts the server on the specified port else the server runs on a default port of 2048
localbased start --port 4000
this command starts the server on the specified port 4000
localbased start
this command starts the server on the default port 2048
method: POST; payload: check below; This creates a document in the specified collection
request.body: {
this creates a document(comment) in the comments collection -
is just like a table's name in SQL and is created once the first document is created
method: GET; payload: no payload; This returns all the document in the specified collectionName
- Note
this returns the documents in an assending order otherwise useorder=d
for descending order
method: GET; payload: no payload; This returns the document with the specified id
method: PATCH; payload: check below; This updates a document with the specified id
request.body: {
update: {
method: DELETE; payload: no payload; This deletes a document with the specified id
...Start Building 🚀🚀
Thank you for using localbased