Very small project for analyse your missing packages with the CRI (ING1). This project concern distro with pacman as package manager.
- pacman
- python3
- diff
- wget
Clone the repo and run the script
git clone
Install missing packages (Skip AUR packages) (!!! Be careful with your system packages !!!)
sudo pacman -S --needed $(comm -12 <(pacman -Slq | sort) <(sort missing_pkg))
Example: I don't want to remove dmenu-manjaro
looking for conflicting packages...
:: openbsd-netcat and gnu-netcat are in conflict. Remove gnu-netcat? [y/N] y
:: dmenu and dmenu-manjaro are in conflict. Remove dmenu-manjaro? [y/N] N
error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: dmenu and dmenu-manjaro are in conflict
Solution is to go on missing_pkg and remove dmenu line.
dmenu (remove this line)
You will find many differents files
- missing_version_pkg: (missing package and version conflict)
- missing_pkg: (missing package)
- Output/my_pkg: (list of your package)
- Output/my_pkg_version (list of your package version)
A la base je voulais juste faire des diff entre fichiers..