released this
08 Nov 05:12
Time and memory output is now shown if progress information is also shown (request #335 )
A tilde can now be used to reference a user's home directory in a path to a standard (request #353 )
Added PHP_CodeSniffer_File::findStartOfStatement() to find the first non-whitespace token in a statement
Possible alternative for code using PHP_CodeSniffer_File::findPrevious() with the local flag set
Added PHP_CodeSniffer_File::findEndOfStatement() to find the last non-whitespace token in a statement
Possible alternative for code using PHP_CodeSniffer_File::findNext() with the local flag set
Generic opening function brace sniff now ensure the opening brace is the last content on the line
Affects OpeningFunctionBraceBsdAllmanSniff and OpeningFunctionBraceKernighanRitchieSniff
Also enforced in PEAR FunctionDeclarationSniff and Squiz MultiLineFunctionDeclarationSniff
Generic DisallowTabIndentSniff now replaces tabs everywhere it finds them, except in strings and here/now docs
Generic EmptyStatementSniff error codes now contain the type of empty statement detected (request #314 )
All messages generated by this sniff are now errors (empty CATCH was previously a warning)
Message code Generic.CodeAnalysis.EmptyStatement.NotAllowed has been removed
Message code Generic.CodeAnalysis.EmptyStatement.NotAllowedWarning has been removed
New message codes have the format Generic.CodeAnalysis.EmptyStatement.Detected[TYPE]
Example code is Generic.CodeAnalysis.EmptyStatement.DetectedCATCH
You can now use a custom ruleset to change messages to warnings and to exclude them
PEAR and Squiz FunctionCommentSniffs no longer ban @return
tags for constructors and destructors
Removed message PEAR.Commenting.FunctionComment.ReturnNotRequired
Removed message Squiz.Commenting.FunctionComment.ReturnNotRequired
Change initiated by request #324 and request #369
Squiz EmptyStatementSniff has been removed
Squiz standard now includes Generic EmptyStatementSniff and turns off the empty CATCH error
Squiz ControlSignatureSniff fixes now retain comments between the closing parenthesis and open brace
Squiz SuperfluousWhitespaceSniff now checks for extra blank lines inside closures
Thanks to Sertan Danis for the patch
Squiz ArrayDeclarationSniff now skips function calls while checking multi-line arrays
Fixed bug #337 : False positive with anonymous functions in Generic_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ScopeIndentSniff
Fixed bug #339 : reformatting brace location can result in broken code
Fixed bug #342 : Nested ternary operators not tokenized correctly
Fixed bug #345 : Javascript regex not tokenized when inside array
Fixed bug #346 : PHP path can't be determined in some cases in "phpcs.bat" (on Windows XP)
Fixed bug #358 : False positives for Generic_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ScopeIndentSniff
Fixed bug #361 : Sniff-specific exclude patterns don't work for Windows
Fixed bug #364 : Don't interpret "use function" as declaration
Fixed bug #366 : phpcbf with PSR2 errors on control structure alternative syntax
Fixed bug #367 : Nested Anonymous Functions Causing False Negative
Fixed bug #371 : Shorthand binary cast causes tokenizer errors
New token T_BINARY_CAST added for the b"string" cast format (the 'b' is the T_BINARY_CAST token)
Fixed bug #372 : phpcbf parse problem, wrong brace placement for inline IF
Fixed bug #373 : Double quote usage fix removing too many double quotes
Fixed bug #20196 : 1.5.2 breaks scope_closer position
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