released this
08 Nov 05:24
Improved the performance of the CSS tokenizer, especially on very large CSS files (thousands of lines)
Thanks to Klaus Purer for the patch
Defined tokens for lower PHP versions are now phpcs-specific strings instead of ints
Stops conflict with other projects, like PHP_CodeCoverage
Added more guard code for syntax errors to various sniffs
Improved support for older HHVM versions
Thanks to Kunal Mehta for the patch
Squiz ValidLogicalOperatorsSniff now ignores XOR as type casting is different when using the ^ operator (request #567 )
Squiz CommentedOutCodeSniff is now better at ignoring URLs inside comments
Squiz ControlSignatureSniff is now better at checking embedded PHP code
Squiz ScopeClosingBraceSniff is now better at checking embedded PHP code
Fixed bug #584 : Squiz.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration sniff gives incorrect NoComma error for multiline string values
Fixed bug #589 : PEAR.Functions.FunctionCallSignature sniff not checking all function calls
Fixed bug #592 : USE statement tokenising can sometimes result in mismatched scopes
Fixed bug #594 : Tokenizer issue on closure that returns by reference
Fixed bug #595 : Colons in CSS selectors within media queries throw false positives
Thanks to Klaus Purer for the patch
Fixed bug #598 : PHPCBF can break function/use closure brace placement
Fixed bug #603 : Squiz ControlSignatureSniff hard-codes opener type while fixing
Fixed bug #605 : Auto report-width specified in ruleset.xml ignored
Fixed bug #611 : Invalid numeric literal on CSS files under PHP7
Fixed bug #612 : Multi-file diff generating incorrectly if files do not end with EOL char
Fixed bug #615 : Squiz OperatorBracketSniff incorrectly reports and fixes operations using self::
Fixed bug #616 : Squiz DisallowComparisonAssignmentSniff inconsistent errors with inline IF statements
Fixed bug #617 : Space after switch keyword in PSR-2 is not being enforced
Fixed bug #621 : PSR2 SwitchDeclaration sniff doesn't detect, or correctly fix, case body on same line as statement
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