Some support utilities for project nami (clone of WordPress for Windows and SQL Server and IIS).
This has three basic funtions, as follows:
- SQL Server (Powershell as an administrator):
- creates a database,
- create a SQL Server account login,
- create this account as a user of the database,
- grant this account owner/read/write permissions to the database,
- grant the 'site user' account owner/read/write permissions to the database.
- IIS (Powershell as an administrator):
- create a website folder,
- creates an IIS Website (and app-pool with same name),
- grants the website user read/execute permissions to the website folder,
- if WordPress site:
- creates wp-content and wp-includes folders,
- grants the website user modify permissions to the these folders,
- optionally grants owner permissions to the website folder to a developer,
- web.config:
- denial of service attack prevention,
- not allow file requests for:
- specific sequences,
- file extensions,
- disabled directory browsing,
- disabled caching for PHP files,
- enable URL rewrite.
To display help from PowerShell execute the following:
get-help .\Create-DB-User-Parms.ps1 -full
get-help .\website.ps1 -full
Example of creating SQL Server database:
.\Create-DB-User-Parms.ps1 -server ".\Express" -dbName "WP__01" -userName "WP__01" -userPwd "WP1!01!" -siteUser "NT AUTHORITY\IUSR"
Example of creating IIS website:
.\website.ps1 -siteName WPress01 -portNum "9129" -owner PNH
The above assumes default values of:
- -baseDir "C:\inetpub"
- -siteUser "IUSR"
- -wordPress "true"
This is synopsis of the files contained in this repository.
This document.
Instructions for using Create-DB-User-Parms.ps1 powershell script.
Alternate way to execute Create-DB-User-Parms.sql T-SQL script.
Powershell frontend to execute Create-DB-User-Parms.sql T-SQL script. I am using Powershell 5.1. You can find your version with the following command:
Powershell security policy may need to be changed. I executed the following:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
T-SQL script to create a database, SQL login user and site user.
Instructions for using WebSite.ps1 powershell script.
Powershell script to create a Project Nami WordPress website. This script needs to be run as an Administrator. I am using Powershell 5.1. You can find your version with the following command:
Powershell security policy may need to be changed. I executed the following:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
An IIS website configuration files, similar to htaccess file. In the security section of the web.config
- Denial of service attack prevention,
- Do not allow requests for specific sequences and file extensions. In the Rewrite section enable 'Permalink Setting', rewrite the URL line.