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Installation of Angular net incident

Phil Huhn edited this page May 9, 2018 · 2 revisions

Installation of the Angular CLI net-incident application

This is an Angular CLI application. CLI stands for Command Line Interface. CLI is a specific platform for developing an Angular application. CLI command are entered on the command line and starts with ng.

The net-incident is embedded in net-incident-master which contains both Web API services and this Angular application.

  1. Download node modules:
    Launch a command line DOS prompt and navigate to the Net-Incident\net-incident root Angular application folder. At the command line enter npm install and wait for it to complete. The node_modules folder should contain over 30,000 files. This folder should rarely be backed up.
  2. Test the application:
    From the previous command line enter ng test and it should launch Chrome and continuously run all of the tests (to exit, enter Cntl C).
  3. Download VS Code:
    I use VS Code to build the application (its free). You can use what you desire.
  4. Launch VS Code:
    Launch a command line DOS prompt and navigate to the Net-Incident\net-incident root Angular application folder. At the command line enter:
    code .
  5. Launch development application web server:
    Launch a command line DOS prompt and navigate to the Net-Incident\net-incident root Angular application folder. At the command line enter ng serve In a browser window, navigate to localhost:4200
  6. Build production:
    Launch a command line DOS prompt and navigate to the Net-Incident\net-incident root Angular application folder. At the command line enter:
    ng build --prod --env=prod
    This will transpile the typescript to the dist folder. The dist folder can then be copied to a website.