- This plugin can leave anonymous messages to others and tell them what you think.A small plugin.
The plugin has three built-in languages: Chinese, English and German,If you don't have the language you want, you can also customize the language
- Copy one from the built-in language file
- Change its file name to the name you want
- Change file content
- Go to "config.yml" and change the "language" to your language file
#Language Options
#The plugin has three built-in languages: Chinese, English and German
#If you don't have the language you want, you can also customize the language
#1.Copy one from the built-in language file
#2.Change its file name to the name you want
#3.Change file content
#4.Go to "config.yml" and change the "language" to your language file
language: "english"
#Plugin prefix, you can use %prefix% to prefix all text of the plugin
#You can also change it to the prefix you want
prefix: "&5&lSilentVoice &r&l>> "
#Display the plugin logo when the plugin is started
#If you don't want to display the plugin logo, you can change it to "false"
logo: true
#The database where the plugin stores data
#Currently, only Sqlite and MySQL
#The default is Sqlite. If you want to use MySQL, you can change type: "sqlite" to "mysql"
type: "sqlite"
#Things necessary to connect to a MySQL database
#Your MySQL database address
host: ""
#Port of your MySQL database
port: "3306"
#The name of your database
database: "database"
#User name required to connect to MySQL database
username: "username"
#Password required to connect to MySQL database
password: "123456"
- /svreload -- Reload configuration file
- /sv <His/her name> -- Leave a message to him/her
- /sv <His/her name> -- View his/her message
- SilentVoice.command.silentvoicereload:
- default: op
- description: Reload command permissions
- SilentVoice.command.silentvoice:
- default: true
- description: message menu permissions
- SilentVoice.command.silentvoice.view:
- default: true
- description: view message permissions
- SilentVoice.command.silentvoice.write:
- default: true
- description: write message permissions
Finally, thank you for using my plug-in. If you find any errors or required functions during use, please contact me in time
Reform log
v1.0.1 2023-3-10
Fixed the "/sv" directive that can only be used with administrator privileges
Fixed a bug where strings could only be written with spaces when leaving a message